April 2nd 2022 PST
Hi Everyone,All motions are due 75 days before the CoDA Service Conference (CSC), due to the passing of Motion 21009 "Voting Entity Issues Motion Submissions Procedure Change”. (see insert below).This includes Boards, Committees, and Voting Entity (VE) Motions.Motions submitted by Voting Entities (VE) will now be referred to as “VE Motions”, and VE’s will bring their motions directly to CSC exactly as the Boards and World Committees currently do.This year's deadline is June 8, 2022.Note: CoDA Inc. Board is aware th ...Continue Reading
January 6th 2022 PST
Being of service is a way to use our special talents to give back to this program that has given us so much, and to carry the message to the codependents who still suffer.Higher Power sometimes places interest in the development of new talents and skills into our hearts. Service offers us a powerful way to develop these. Therefore,Codependents Anonymous Communications Committee, opening the *Audio/Visual Media Subcommittee**,*is searching for members of CoDA interested in being of service in the following areas:&nb ...Continue Reading
January 2nd 2022 PST
/Please consider doing service as a Board of Trustee for: CoDA ~ Codependents Anonymous Incorporated CoRe ~ CoDA Resource Publishing Incorporated/CoDA members - Please consider doing service with the CoDA Board of Trustees. The Board has many things they would like to accomplish. However, achieving those goals is limited by the small number of Trustees at present. The CoDA Board needs people who have a few hours a week (aro ...Continue Reading
December 29th 2021 PST
Dear Group Service Reps,Here's a reminder for the New Year's Eve & New Year's Day CoDAthon (Marathon on line meetings) schedule. There are a few additions & updates also.https://www.codependents.org/codathon.htm If you missed our previous emails, many internet and phone CoDA meetings are involved in collaboration to get as close as possible to 24 hours straight on December 31st & January 1st. Please spread the word! In Service,codathon@coda.org &nbs ...Continue Reading
December 22nd 2021 PST
Dear Group Service Reps,Since our original email, over 25% more meetings have joined the CoDAthon! The latest lists through New Years Day will be here:https://www.codependents.org/codathon.htm If you missed our previous emails, many internet and phone CoDA meetings are involved in collaboration to get as close as possible to 24 hours straight on all 4 upcoming holidays: December 24th & 25th; & December 31st & January 1st. Please spread the word! In Service,coda ...Continue Reading
December 20th 2021 PST
Dear Group Service Reps,First, thank you for opening this email! And we'd really like to thank all the CoDA meetings that are sharing their meetings with the entire fellowship during this potentially stressful time.Here is the link for the schedules. It will likely be updated daily this week & frequently next week:https://www.codependents.org/codathon.htm For those who are not aware, a "CoDAthon" is a non-stop series of meetings during the holidays, especially geared towards the Co-dependent who still suff ...Continue Reading
December 15th 2021 PST
Dear Group Service Reps,First, thank you for opening this email!For those who are not aware, a "CoDAthon" is a non-stop series of meetings during the holidays, especially geared towards the Co-dependent who still suffers. It's especially helpful for those without family or those who would benefit from additional support during the holiday season. The idea originated decades ago in at least one other 12 step group. The CoDA alt meetings started doing similar fairly early this century. The last several years, th ...Continue Reading
October 28th 2021 PST
Dear Fellowship,We are writing today to ask for your help in updating our public CoDA contact & Intergroup lists. Has your area's contact information changed? We have 3 separate lists on the coda.org website, & we have found that they do not match up with each other!The lists are here:Intergroup Contact List& here:CoDA Area ContactsCoDA Area Contacts #2 If you would please check your state ...Continue Reading
October 10th 2021 PST
/Please consider doing service with the as a Board of Trustee for: CoDA ~ Codependents Anonymous Incorporated CoRe ~ CoDA Resource Publishing Incorporated/*CoDA Board of Trustees* - Handles the daily business of CoDA, when CoDA Service Conference (CSC) is not in session. Board@CoDA.org The CoDA Board membership is elected at the yearly CoDA Service Conference (CSC) for a 3-year term. After 2 years, the person can run for an addit ...Continue Reading
September 4th 2021 PST
At the recent CoDA Service Conference (CSC), some changes were approved by motion as to how we interpret Tradition 11.1. *Motion #21022 Social Media Anonymity*Tradition 11 speaks to members of CoDA maintaining anonymity when representing CoDA to outside entities. Tradition 11 does not speak of recovery meetings, literature, virtual meetings, traditional face to face meetings, recovery conventions and reco ...Continue Reading
July 14th 2021 PST
All, the Zip files for the 2021 CSC are complete. If you have not downloaded it yet, you can get the complete Delegate Packet here:https://www.codependents.org/2021CDP.zipSoon, all the individual files will be up on coda.org for downloading. The majority are already up as this is being written; but at this moment only the zip files are 100% complete.Individual files can be downloaded here:https://coda.org/delega ...Continue Reading
July 7th 2021 PST
At The 2020 Service Conference, A Motion was passed to declare 2021 the "Year of Service".Did you know that most CoDA members are welcome in joining a committee at the world level? It's a great way to give back and for you to make a difference!Some have personally found doing service to be a great way to learn to set boundaries and say no when we need or want to. Especially early on, some ne ...Continue Reading
July 5th 2021 PST
Thank you for your service to our Fellowship. Your service, in cooperation with your Voting Entity Delegate(s), helps our Fellowship to continue growing. [*]Every member in CoDA is encouraged to have their voice heard in preparation for the CoDA Service Conference (CSC) which is our annual business meeting. As a Group Service Representative (GSR), we ask that you share with your meetings the Mot ...Continue Reading
May 19th 2021 PST
Announcement Update for Virtual CoDA Service Conference (CSC) 2021 Monday, July 26 (2-4 EDT orientation) Tuesday, July 27 - Friday, July 30- 11:00 AM EDT to 5:00 PM EDT We welcome all to our second Virtual ONLY CoDA Service Conference in 2021. World CoDA cares about the health and wellbeing of our Trusted Servants and Fellowship members. We are under extraordinary circumstances and we continue to ...Continue Reading
May 18th 2021 PST
To CoDA’s Valued Meeting Contacts and Trusted Servants,You can download a zip file of all the CoDA Service Conference (CSC) motions; and the Voting Entity Issues (VEI) that we've received. There may be some revised motions for the next 10 days.To download all motions in a zip file, please go to: https://www.codependents.org/2021_Motions.zip. Please right click on the link and select "save as".Or if you prefer to download each motion individually, please go here: https://coda.org/delegate-package-2021/ The moti ...Continue Reading
April 12th 2021 PST
The 2021 CoDA Service Conference (CSC) will take place from Tuesday, July 27 through Friday July 30. Times to be announced at a future date.As in 2020, CSC will be virtual (Internet) only, which means any member can attend at no charge!Hopefully the virtual nature of the conference will allow many more non USA delegates to attend. Because of the many time zones involved the Board and the Events Committee feel that shorter days would be of the most benefit to folks in different time zones.Please note: All delegates still ...Continue Reading
April 1st 2021 PST
/CoDA members - Please consider doing service with the CoDA Board of Trustees.//Here are the requirements: //1. Working knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Co-Dependents Anonymous./ /2. Willingness and availability to serve the Fellowship through major service projects./ /3. Demonstration of skills and abilities while doing CoDA Service for two or more years./ /4. Understanding and experience of the group ...Continue Reading
January 10th 2021 PST
The contents of this email are from the CoDa Board Of Trustees, board@coda.org /CoDA members - Please consider doing service with the CoDA Board of Trustees. The board has so many things they would like to accomplish; however, we are limited with a board of 8./ /We are in need of people who have a few hours a week (around 10 hours coming up to CSC)./ /Here are the requirements: / /1. Working knowledge o ...Continue Reading
December 18th 2020 PST
The 1PM Eastern USA CoDA phone meeting would love to invite you to extra Holiday Support meetings again this year. There will be a different host at each meeting with special themed CoDependents Anonymous topics for discussion and sharing. Of course, if the topics do not resonate with you please share your experience, strength, and faith related to your recovery.712-770-4160 (USA based phone number) Pin 573762#Holiday Support Meetings Times (All Times Are USA Eastern Standard Time)Christmas Eve: 3, 5, 7, & 9 P ...Continue Reading
December 16th 2020 PST
*/The 7th Virtual /**/Across the Time Zones /**/New Year’s Eve CoDA meeting/**.* */Hello 2021, Goodbye 2020!/* *_Date:_* December 31, 2020*_Time:_* 11:00pm-12:15am, /(your time zone)/ */Zoom registration/info required at:/*CODA2021XTZ@gmail.com/Email registration is required to receive meeting ID access, //And *phone numbers for audio only callers.*//Thank you for your support of coda safe meetings./ */All are welcome to join listen or share their recovery experience, strength and hope. Holiday ...Continue Reading
November 16th 2020 PST
The Coda World Connections Committee (WCC) needs volunteers to: 1. Attend monthly Fellowship Development Activities (FDA) meetings; and 2. Help with international correspondence to foreign countries’ interactions involving FDA. Coda members with six months in the fellowship, and an appreciation for cultural awareness might be a good fit for this type of service work. Meetings ...Continue Reading
October 14th 2020 PST
*The CoDA Communications Committee** **Needs your HELP!* Please consider 12th Step service opportunities available through the CoDA Communications Committee. Join one or all of our sub-committees! Answer incoming emails, with the *CoDA email team* (CET). /Our plan is to have each person only have to answer emails one day a week, if we have enough volunteers./ The *CoDA phone group* that returns incoming voice messages (Cphone). /Our objective is to have you return calls only one d ...Continue Reading
September 30th 2020 PST
In response to a series of questions from one CoDA member about the pages of Board motions that need to be reviewed and voted upon at this (and every) CoDA Service Conference, the Board is happy to share the information more widely, in the following series of questions and answers. It seems each motion has a key # and they are listed in chronological order for the most part. #s 5115 and 5131 - 5135 are missing. Is that by design?Each motion has two numbers: (1) The shorter, simpler key number assigned to them conse ...Continue Reading
August 19th 2020 PST
In response to a series of questions from one CoDA member about the pages of Board motions that need to be reviewed and voted upon at this (and every) CoDA Service Conference, the Board is happy to share the information more widely, in the following series of questions and answers. It seems each motion has a key # and they are listed in chronological order for the most part. #s 5115 and 5131 - 5135 are missing. Is that by design? Each motion has two numbers: (1) The shorter, simpler key number assigned to them consecu ...Continue Reading
August 16th 2020 PST
Good afternoon to all, Due to the pandemic, and situation we are under, CoDA is having their annual business conference virtually rather than meeting in person this year. The pandemic has resulted in a decline in 7th tradition donations. This year at the CoDA Service Conference, CoDA cannot pay for interpretation and translation services for the CoDA Service Conference. The Events Committee is asking Voting Entities to search among your own CoDA members to assist in interpretative services. We are unable to ...Continue Reading
This mailing list is announce-only.
This is a list for CoDA Group Representatives. Through it, CoDA World will occasionally send announcements to meeting representatives. When your service as meeting contact expires, please remind the new contact person to sign up for this list.
To update your meeting's registration, please go to:
or email meeting@coda.org
Thank you & we look forward to being able to communicate directly with your CoDA meeting!
Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.