CoDA Announcements Archives


CoDA Board Face To Face Workgroup Minutes 3/20/22

April 15th 2022 PST

   CoDA, Inc. Board of TrusteesMarch 20th, 2022Face2Face Workgroup MinutesDay/Time: Sunday - 8 to 9:30 am Pacific Time(Please adjust for your time zone)*Attendance and order of Round Robin - *Barbara, Faith, Katherine, Yaniv, GailAbsent: Florence, Joe.*Legal Liaison:* *** *site. Attorney taking care of this. *Copyright agreement for outside publications:*Renamed: Audio Visual Release Form, still working on this. *Copyright updates needed for the two recent updated works:**Making Choices ...Continue Reading

CoDA Service Conference In August

April 10th 2022 PST

Hello to the CoDA Fellowship! We wanted to give you a head's up regarding the 2022 CoDA Service Conference (CSC).CSC will be available both on the internet & in person in Rapid City, South Dakota, August 21 - August 25.More to come soon! Please watch this space on the website: and please watch for more emails.In Service,Your CSC Prep  You can review previous emails here: ...Continue Reading

CoDA's You Tube Channel

April 5th 2022 PST

CoDA now has our own You Tube Channel! those more used to You Tube, You will find most of the CoDA audio files from; + 4 unique videos, & the recent Ken & Mary R (our founders) workshop: Ken & Mary audio with photo is an upgrade, the CoDA Events Committee was able to remove some silences.We currently have a total of 71 You Tub ...Continue Reading

Proper Use of the CoDA Logo

April 1st 2022 PST is the CoDA Seal; it is a registered trademark. Use of this mark is only allowed under a Trademark License Agreement, which agreement may allow customization by adding the name of an Intergroup or Voting Entity to the outside perimeter of the seal and/or translation of the words within the circle other than “CoDA”. No other changes are permitted. Please contact groups may use the following seals on their letterheads, news ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Minutes 3/5/22

March 28th 2022 PST

   *CoDA, Inc. Board of Trustees**Minutes* *March 5th, 2022*Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific TimeAcknowledging that we are all here for our personal recovery. The mission of the CoDA Board of Trustees is to ensure the longevity and fiscal health of the organization, to support the Fellowship’s ongoing service work, to promote CoDA unity and to reach the still suffering codependents. *OPENING ** **Attendance and order of round robin - *Barbara, Faith, Florence, Joe, Katherine, Yaniv,Rob (Fi ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Face To Face Workgroup Minutes 2/20/22

March 26th 2022 PST

   CoDA, Inc. Board of TrusteesFebruary 20th, 2022Face2Face Workgroup MinutesDay/Time: Sunday - 8 to 9:30 am Pacific Time(Please adjust for your time zone)Attendance and order of Round Robin - Barbara, Faith, Florence, Katherine, GailAbsent: Joe, Yaniv.MOTION to approve Minutes for Public Board Meeting on February 5th, 2022 Website: update - updates by Web Liaison: Meeting Search Issues (Time Zone Strategy):Interse ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Meeting, Sat, April 2nd, 8 AM PDT

March 25th 2022 PST

         CoDA, Inc. Board of TrusteesApril 2nd, 2022Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific Daylight Time(Please adjust for your time zone)Join Zoom Meeting/ ID: 968 2103 7645//One tap mobile//+13462487799,,96821037645#// US (Houston)//+16465588656,,96821037645#// US (New York)//Dial by your location//+1 346 248 7799// US (Houston)//+1 646 558 8656// US (New York)//+1 669 900 9128// US (San Jose)//+1 253 215 8782//  ...Continue Reading

CoDA: New Help Resource For Meetings

March 12th 2022 PST

      *_CoDA Meetings Have Questions; the CoDA Meeting Handbook Has Answers_*Lately, the CoDA Board has been fielding a number of questions from CoDA meetings. Often, the answers can be found in the CoDA Meeting Handbook: Tradition 4 tells us CoDA meetings are autonomous {“Each group should remain autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or CoDA as a whole.”), there are certain best practices that are highly ...Continue Reading

CoDA: 24 Hour Event June 25-26 Noon Eastern Time

March 9th 2022 PST

A group of members would like to put on a 24 Hour World CoDA Event: speakers/workshops around the clock. Right now we are asking for members to sign up to do service to get this going.Flyer: Up: You can review previous emails here:  If you have a friend who would like to subscribe, please have them go here: If you have a gener ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Co-NNections Call For New Submissions

March 6th 2022 PST

Call For New Submissions! Have Weekly Readings and Meeting in Print been helpful or thought-provoking for you?Consider submitting your story and sharing your insight with other CoDA members!How has CoDA changed your life? Sharing your experience, strength and hope may help thousands of codependents still suffering. Everybody in CoDA has a recovery story to tell.Please email: Some Possible Topics: (Could include, but not limited to!)1. Sharing Strength and HopeHow CoDA and the 12 Steps have ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Meeting, Sat, March 5th, 8 AM PST

March 2nd 2022 PST

         CoDA, Inc. Board of TrusteesMarch 5th, 2021Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific Time(Please adjust for your time zone)Join Zoom Meeting/ ID: 968 2103 7645//One tap mobile//+13462487799,,96821037645#// US (Houston)//+16465588656,,96821037645#// US (New York)//Dial by your location//+1 346 248 7799// US (Houston)//+1 646 558 8656// US (New York)//+1 669 900 9128// US (San Jose)//+1 253 215 8782// US (Taco ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Sponsors Needed for H&I

March 2nd 2022 PST

Interested in stepping up your recovery?CoDA’s Hospitals and Institutions committee has a sponsorship program for inmates. The aim of sponsoring is to guide the sponsee confined to a prison or institution through CoDA’s steps and traditions.We are desperate to have CoDA members who are willing to sponsor including Spanish speakers. All correspondence is done by US Mail. Anonymity is maintained. For more information and application, go to: ...Continue Reading

CoDA's Email Team Is Looking For Volunteers

February 26th 2022 PST

*_Communication Committee’s Email Team _**_Subcommittee is looking for Volunteers!_* Are you looking to do service for the fellowship? We are looking for your help!The CET (CoDA Email Team) subcommittee of the Communication Committee is looking for people interested in responding to emails with questions from CoDA members or new people looking for a meeting. See the description of the committee here: CoDA Email Team (CET) is a group of a ...Continue Reading

CoDA's Local Events Calender and Emails

February 23rd 2022 PST

Here is a general guide for getting your local CoDA event listed on the CoDA website & on our quarterly events emails: First in keeping with the traditions it must be sponsored by an entity of Codependents Anonymous (meeting, intergroup, state organization, etc) & not by a professional counselor, church group, etcPlease either go to and click on"Add Event", which should bring up an email to send to our Web Liaison. Or...........On some web browsers, that form may not wor ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Minutes 2/5/22

February 22nd 2022 PST

   *CoDA, Inc. Board of Trustees**Minutes* *February 5th, 2022*Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific TimeAcknowledging that we are all here for our personal recovery. The mission of the CoDA Board of Trustees is to ensure the longevity and fiscal health of the organization, to support the Fellowship’s ongoing service work, to promote CoDA unity and to reach the still suffering codependents.*Attendees and Round Robin order – *Barbara, Faith, Joe, Katherine, Yaniv, Darlene (IMC Chair - Chairs Forum represe ...Continue Reading

CoDA's You Tube Channel

February 21st 2022 PST

CoDA now has our own You Tube Channel! those more used to You Tube, You will find most of the CoDA audio files from; + 4 unique videos, & the recent Ken & Mary R (our founders) workshop: Ken & Mary audio with photo is an upgrade, the CoDA Events Committee was able to remove some silences.We currently have a total of 70 You Tub ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Twelve Service Concepts of Co-Dependents Anonymous

February 19th 2022 PST

Twelve Service Concepts of Co-Dependents Anonymous [*]The members of the Fellowship of Co-Dependents Anonymous, in carrying out the will of a loving Higher Power, advance their individual recoveries, work to insure the continuance of their groups and their program, and carry the message to codependents who still suffer. They may also collectively authorize and establish service boards or committees and empower trusted servants to perform service work.   [*]The Fellowship of CoDA has the responsibility of determinin ...Continue Reading

CoDA: 13th Stepping

February 12th 2022 PST

13TH STEPPINGA member reported:“I watched a member of the opposite sex repeatedly use recovery to flirt with newcomers. No one felt comfortable speaking up and I thought it was wrong. ““In recovery, manipulating another into a relationship, be it emotional, financial, or sexual, violates the core values and Twelve Traditions of our program. “Thirteenth Stepping” is a term used to describe this kind of unhealthy relationship. Thirteenth-stepping is harmful to both people involved and to the overall health of a meeting. N ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Meeting, Sat, February 5th, 8 AM PST

February 2nd 2022 PST

         CoDA, Inc. Board of TrusteesFebruary 5th, 2021Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific Time(Please adjust for your time zone)   Join Zoom Meeting / ID: 968 2103 7645//One tap mobile//+13462487799,,96821037645#// US (Houston)//+16465588656,,96821037645#// US (New York)//Dial by your location//+1 346 248 7799// US (Houston)//+1 646 558 8656// US (New York)//+1 669 900 9128// US (San Jose)//+1 253 215 878 ...Continue Reading

CoDA Fellowship Email - New Year Greetings

January 30th 2022 PST

         Greetings from the CoDA Board of Trustees,As we move into 2022, we wanted to celebrate everything we accomplished in 2021, and welcome in the New Year.Knowing we are all here for our personal recovery, the CoDA Board’s mission is to ensure the longevity and fiscal health of CoDA. To support our mission, we are concentrating on those things we believe will keep our Fellowship healthy and thriving including improving our website, making sound financial decisions, encouragin ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Minutes 1/8/22

January 28th 2022 PST

   *CoDA, Inc. Board of Trustees**Minutes* *January 8th, 2022*Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific TimeAcknowledging that we are all here for our personal recovery. The mission of the CoDA Board of Trustees is to ensure the longevity and fiscal health of the organization, to support the Fellowship’s ongoing service work, to promote CoDA unity and to reach the still suffering codependents.*ATTENDANCE ** *Barbara, Faith, Florence, Joe, Katherine, Yaniv, John (WCC Chair - Chairs Forum representative), ...Continue Reading

CoDA Meeting App

January 27th 2022 PST

         Your CoDA Board is working on producing a CoDA Meeting App, similar to the AA Meeting App: We are looking for an App developer to help us design it. If you know someone who might be able to help us accomplish this, please respond to _codameetingapp@coda.org_ Thank you! CoDA  You can review previous emails here: If you ha ...Continue Reading

New English Literature – “Joy In The Journey, Recover With Color”

January 24th 2022 PST

New English Literature – “Joy In The Journey, Recover With Color”“Joy In The Journey, Recover With Color” is a recovery-themed coloring book for codependents. This 83 page coloring book was developed as a creative outlet for codependents on their path to recovery. There are 36 original Illustrates on high-quality paper inspired by the CoDA 12 Step, CoDA 12 Traditions, and the CoDA 12 Promises. In addition to the wonderful illustrations, there are beautifully designed spaces for you to capture your recovery thoughts and ...Continue Reading

CoDA Teen Project

January 18th 2022 PST

         At the 2021 CoDA Service Conference the CoDA Board and the Spanish Outreach Committee began a task force to enable CoDA to carry the message to teens suffering from codependency. All interested members of the CoDA community are invited to contribute to the goal of creating a structure that can support CoDA youth and work with them on their recovery in CoDA groups adapted to the patterns and characteristic of teenage life. Members from around the globe will participate. Sp ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board F2F Workgroup Minutes December 19, 2021

January 14th 2022 PST

         *CoDA Board of Trustees **F2F (**Face-to Face) Workgroup Minutes *  *December 19, 2021*  Day/Time: Sunday  8-9:15 am Pacific Time *Board Mission Statement* /Acknowledging that we are all here for our personal recovery, the mission of the CoDA Board of Trustees is to ensure the longevity and fiscal health of the organization, to support the Fellowship’s ongoing service work, to promote CoDA&nbs ...Continue Reading
  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

The purpose of this list is to share information with any & all CoDA members, especially that which may effect CoDA as a whole.

We will be sending out regular emails with CoDA events, announcements, issues & CoDA business of interest to both specific regions & to the entire CoDA fellowship.

Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.

Privacy Policy:

Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.