March 12th 2023 PST
This is a resending of a message that originally went out on 3/13/11. It was written by the 2011 Communications Committee.SPONSORSHIP IN CoDASponsorship in CoDA is essentially different from sponsorship in other 12 step groups because of the nature of the disease of codependence. To be effective, CoDA sponsorship depends on the development of healthy boundaries on control issues such as advice-giving, care-taking, and rescuing. Giving feedback as sponsors, we can develop skills to be honest without advising, lecturing, ...Continue Reading
February 27th 2023 PST
CoDA, Inc. Board of TrusteesMarch 4th, 2023 Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific Daylight Time(Please adjust for your time zone)How To Join A Zoom Meeting: Zoom Meeting/ ID: 968 2103 7645//One tap mobile//+13462487799,,96821037645#// US (Houston)//+16465588656,,96821037645#// US (New York)//Dial by your location//+1 346 248 7799// US (Housto ...Continue Reading
February 24th 2023 PST
The audio recordings of the CoDA World Sponsorship Workshop held on February 11, 2023 are now available on the CoDA YouTube Channel:(Sponsorship Workshop Only): (Main CoDA YouTube Page): now have subtitles in numerous languages enabled on our entire YouTube channel!_ For instructions on how to use them, please go here:https:// ...Continue Reading
February 20th 2023 PST
The 2023 CoDA Service Conference & International CoDA Convention are earlier than last year (late July 2023) so we wanted to give you a head's up. A Save-the-Date flyer is part of this email. Registration information will come out in the next few months. Stay tuned! You can review previous emails here: If you have a friend who would like to subscribe, please have them go here: ...Continue Reading
February 16th 2023 PST
Call For New Submissions!Have any of the Weekly Reading been helpful or thought-provoking for you?Consider submitting *your *story and sharing your insight with other CoDA members!How has CoDA changed your life? Sharing your experience, strength and hope may help thousands of codependents still suffering. Everybody in CoDA has a recovery story to tell. Please email to: wr@coda.orgSome Possible Topics (could include, but not limited to):1. Sharing your Strength and HopeHow CoDA and the Twelve Steps have made a ...Continue Reading
February 10th 2023 PST
*CoDA, Inc. Board of Trustees**Minutes* *December 3th, 2022*Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific TimeAcknowledging that we are all here for our personal recovery. The mission of the CoDA Board of Trustees is to ensure the longevity and fiscal health of the organization, to support the Fellowship’s ongoing service work, to promote CoDA unity and to reach the still suffering codependents.*OPENING ** **Attendance and order of round robin –* Barbara, Faith, Florence, Joe, Tina, Steve, Yaniv, Sharon ...Continue Reading
January 30th 2023 PST
CoDA, Inc. Board of TrusteesFebruary 4th, 2023 Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific Daylight Time(Please adjust for your time zone)How To Join A Zoom Meeting: Zoom Meeting/ ID: 968 2103 7645//One tap mobile//+13462487799,,96821037645#// US (Houston)//+16465588656,,96821037645#// US (New York)//Dial by your location//+1 346 248 7799// US (Hou ...Continue Reading
January 26th 2023 PST
CoDA now has our own You Tube Channel! those more used to You Tube, You will find most of the CoDA audio files from; + 4 unique videos, & the Ken & Mary R (our founders) workshop: currently have a total of 89 You Tube "Videos" on our channel, with more to come!And we have 1709 subscribers. We’ve also sorted the You Tube v ...Continue Reading
January 22nd 2023 PST
CoDA members, such as yourself, are a valuable asset to our recovery program!We would love you to consider joining a committee at the world level! It's a great way to give back and for you to truly make a difference!Many have personally found doing service to be a great way to learn to set boundaries and say no when we need or want to. Especially early on, some need to learn what limits are, and service in CoDA is a great way to practice in a safe environment.It’s also an ...Continue Reading
January 20th 2023 PST
Sponsorship Workshop - “Joy in the Journey”The online workshop is sponsored by the World CoDA Outreach Committee and will provide information and encouragement for sponsors and sponsees.Current CoDA sponsors and sponsees will share their experience, strength and hope regarding sponsorship. Open share will allow participants to share their experience, strength, and hope and ask questions about sponsorship. Saturday, February 11, 2023 11:00 am to 2:30 pm Eastern time zone** * * Registration is required * ...Continue Reading
January 8th 2023 PST
*CoDA, Inc. Board of Trustees**Minutes* *November 5th, 2022*Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific TimeAcknowledging that we are all here for our personal recovery. The mission of the CoDA Board of Trustees is to ensure the longevity and fiscal health of the organization, to support the Fellowship’s ongoing service work, to promote CoDA unity and to reach the still suffering codependents.OPENING*Serenity Prayer*: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the ...Continue Reading
January 8th 2023 PST
*CoDA, Inc. Board of Trustees**Minutes* *October 1st, 2022*Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific TimeAcknowledging that we are all here for our personal recovery. The mission of the CoDA Board of Trustees is to ensure the longevity and fiscal health of the organization, to support the Fellowship’s ongoing service work, to promote CoDA unity and to reach the still suffering codependents.OPENING*Serenity Prayer*: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the ...Continue Reading
January 6th 2023 PST is the CoDA Seal; it is a registered trademark. Use of this mark is only allowed under a Trademark License Agreement, which agreement may allow customization by adding the name of an Intergroup or Voting Entity to the outside perimeter of the seal and/or translation of the words within the circle other than “CoDA”. No other changes are permitted. Please contact groups may use the following seals on their letterheads, news ...Continue Reading
January 1st 2023 PST
CoDA, Inc. Board of TrusteesJanuary 7th, 2023 Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific Daylight Time(Please adjust for your time zone)How To Join A Zoom Meeting: Zoom Meeting/ ID: 968 2103 7645//One tap mobile//+13462487799,,96821037645#// US (Houston)//+16465588656,,96821037645#// US (New York)//Dial by your location//+1 346 248 7799// US (Hous ...Continue Reading
January 1st 2023 PST
CoDA, Inc. Board of TrusteesJanuary 6th, 2023 Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific Daylight Time(Please adjust for your time zone)How To Join A Zoom Meeting: Zoom Meeting/ ID: 968 2103 7645//One tap mobile//+13462487799,,96821037645#// US (Houston)//+16465588656,,96821037645#// US (New York)//Dial by your location//+1 346 248 7799// US (Hous ...Continue Reading
December 28th 2022 PST
Dear CoDA Fellowship, Since our original email, several more meetings have joined the CoDAthon! The latest downloadable or viewable (PDF) lists through New Years Day will be here: New Year's Eve: Year's Day: you missed our previous emails, many internet and phone CoDA meetings are involved in trying to get as close as possible to 24 hours consecutive meetings ...Continue Reading
December 21st 2022 PST
Dear CoDA Fellowship, Since our original email, several more meetings have joined the CoDAthon! The latest downloadable or viewable (PDF) lists through New Years Day will be here: If you missed our previous emails, many internet and phone CoDA meetings are involved in trying to get as close as possible to 24 hours consecutive meetings on all 4 upcoming holidays: December 24th & 25th; & December 31st & January 1st. You don't ha ...Continue Reading
December 18th 2022 PST
The 2023 CoDA Service Conference & International CoDA Convention are earlier than last year (late July 2023) so we wanted to give you a head's up. A Save-the-Date flyer is part of this email. Registration information will come out in the next few months. Stay tuned! You can review previous emails here: If you have a friend who would like to subscribe, please have them go here: ...Continue Reading
December 16th 2022 PST
Dear CoDA Fellowship, As we wrote recently, there will be marathon CoDA meetings on both of the upcoming holidays. CoDA would like to express our gratitude to the meetings that are offering a safe space for the Co-Dependent who is suffering during the holidays. Below, you will find a list for each of the 4 days of all special holiday meetings. We also suggest checking the CoDA internet & phone meeting locator at for additional resources. Please check bac ...Continue Reading
December 9th 2022 PST
CoDA has a number of audio recovery recordings available to you at absolutely no charge!There is a category index in mp3 format here: include speakers from our last 3 Conventions, workshops, our fellowship forum & much, much more!If you prefer You Tube format, please go here: In Service, You can review previous emails here: If you h ...Continue Reading
November 28th 2022 PST
CoDA, Inc. Board of TrusteesDecemberm 3rd, 2022 Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am Pacific Daylight Time(Please adjust for your time zone)How To Join A Zoom Meeting: Zoom Meeting/ ID: 968 2103 7645//One tap mobile//+13462487799,,96821037645#// US (Houston)//+16465588656,,96821037645#// US (New York)//Dial by your location//+1 346 248 7799// US (Ho ...Continue Reading
November 21st 2022 PST
Dear CoDA Fellowship, Here's a reminder for the Thanksgiving CoDAthon (Marathon on line meetings) schedule. There are a number of additions & updates also. Start times are listed USA Eastern, then USA Pacific. Please check back for updated lists on all 5 days.If any of the links here are non-functioning, please check the main list online below. There are also contacts listed for each meeting.The latest lists through New Years Day are here: Specific Thanksgivi ...Continue Reading
November 19th 2022 PST
Dear CoDA Fellowship, Here's a reminder for the Thanksgiving CoDAthon (Marathon on line meetings) schedule. There are a number of additions & updates also. Start times are listed USA Eastern, then USA Pacific. Please check back for updated lists on all 5 days.If any of the links here are non-functioning, please check the main list online below. There are also contacts listed for each meeting.The latest lists through New Years Day are here: you missed our previou ...Continue Reading
November 15th 2022 PST
Due to a Board 2022 CoDA Service Conference (CSC) motion, which was later withdrawn during CSC, the CoDA Board is creating a "Gender-inclusive Language Task Force". /Background: This was originally due to a 2021 Canada Voting Entity Issue (VEI) that was submitted too late for 2021 CoDA Service Conference (CSC). Subsequently, a 2022 CSC motion was submitted by the Board, of which was later withdrawn. Post CSC discussions, the Board felt it best to create a Task Force (volunteers have already vol ...Continue Reading
November 9th 2022 PST
Dear CoDA Fellowship, There will be marathon CoDA meetings on all 3 of the upcoming holidays. CoDA would like to express our gratitude to the meetings that are offering a safe space for the Co-Dependent who is suffering during the holidays. We're starting with Thanksgiving, which is only 14 days away! Below, you will find a list for each of the 5 days of all special holiday meetings.The list is also on the website here: We also suggest chec ...Continue Reading
This mailing list is announce-only.
The purpose of this list is to share information with any & all CoDA members, especially that which may effect CoDA as a whole.
We will be sending out regular emails with CoDA events, announcements, issues & CoDA business of interest to both specific regions & to the entire CoDA fellowship.
Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.
Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.