CoDA Announcements Archives


CoDA: Online Forum Sat 4/18 Noon PDT "CoDA Tools"

April 14th 2020 PST

*The Board of Trustees of Co-Dependents Anonymous invites you to a monthly online Fellowship Forum** * *Saturday, April 18, 2020 at noon, Pacific Time* *When Life Gives You Lemons… CoDA Tools to Use.* Speakers:  Lisa B (Chicago), Marilyn K (Las Vegas) and Richard & Pamela W (Florida) *NOTE: *The Forums are recorded. Those recordings will be posted to: *Fellowship Forum Recordings* Please note, we don’t use video cameras during this event. *WHEN: Typically Last Saturday of the month * *TIME: _No ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Support For When There Isn't A Near By Meeting

April 9th 2020 PST

We're writing today to share 2 CoDA resources with you that you may not be aware of. Both are especially valuable if you live in an area with few meetings or even if you just feel like you need a meeting & there isn't one available at the moment. Most of us attend in person meetings; many of us have a sponsor & reach out to other members of the fellowship by phone or in person for support. Here are 2 additional options you may not be aware of: 1. The CoDA Alternative meetings. There are both telephone meeting ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Meeting, Sat, April 4th, 8 AM PST (RSVP)

April 1st 2020 PST

*Monthly Public CoDA Board Meeting* Dear CoDA Member, You are invited to attend the April Public CoDA Board Meeting on  Saturday, April 4, 2020 online, 8AM Pacific Time The Board’s public meetings take place online on the first Saturday each month at 8AM Pacific Time (California time). [*]Upcoming meetings:  May 2, June 6, 2020 [*]There will be no online meeting of the CoDA Board in July, because Board members will take part in the CoDA Service Conference in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Join Meeting online: h ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Minutes for Conference Call 3/7/20

March 26th 2020 PST

*CoDA Board Minutes* *March 7, 2020* The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, March 7th by teleconference.  Members in attendance included: Linda A., Don B., Gail S., Yaniv S., Matt T., Salle H., Nancy O.; Absent: Yaniv S. Guests: Debra/H&I, Dave S./PA, Hamid/Iran, Ana M.; Staff: Anna *_Consent Agenda _* January 17-19, 2020 Las Vegas F2F Board Minutes approved. February 8, 2020 Public Board Minutes approved. February 2020 motions approved: Motion 1 - Move that the new CoDA WordPress website ...Continue Reading

CoDA Recovery Materials Survey

March 21st 2020 PST

We Would Like to Hear From You - CoDA Recovery Materials Survey We are working to make CoDA Recovery Materials more accessible and feel that we need to hear from the fellowship so we have created an online survey. It is a short survey and asks questions such as: Which of these methods do you NOT want to use to purchase CoDA material? For new recovery materials: Which topic do you feel CoDA should make a priority? For new recovery materials: Which item should be put on audio first? Which of these books would you lik ...Continue Reading


March 20th 2020 PST

Due to the closures of public buildings, and the precautions stated by infectious disease experts concerning the contagiousness of the COVID 19 virus, many meetings are either on hiatus or choosing to meet by video conference on one of many providers (SKYPE, ZOOM, Facetime. Freeconferencecall, Hangouts, etc.) or by phone conferencing.  While CoDA world service will continue to update meetings, there will be a lag in accomplishing them due to the volume of requested changes.  We are suggesting that you first ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Replies to Members' Inquiries about Corona Virus

March 14th 2020 PST

CoDA Board Response to Inquiries from Local Meetings and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) As recovering codependents, the principles of Self-Care and having Healthy Relationships are central to our recovery. The Board advises all meetings to follow the advice of local infectious disease experts.  There are on-line and phone meetings available at  If your Home Group meeting is cancelled due to Coronavirus, consider starting a phone meeting using one of the many onli ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Great news for Phone and Online groups

March 12th 2020 PST

*Great news for Phone and Online groups* You can now designate the time zone for your meeting.   [*]Please go to to update your group*.  After you specify your meeting's time zone, you will see an improvement in the information provided. [*]While updating the information for your group, you can also make some choices as to the specific Focus of your group, to attract possible members.   * To update an existing meeting, *CLICK HERE*, search for the meeting ID, then click to the ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Meeting, Sat., March 7th, 8 AM PST (RSVP)

March 4th 2020 PST

*Monthly Public CoDA Board Meeting* Saturday, March 7, 2020 online The Board’s public meetings occur on the first Saturday each month at 8AM Pacific Time (California time). [*]April 4, May 2, June 6, 2020 [*]There will be no online meeting of the CoDA Board in July, because Board members will take part in the CoDA Service Conference in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Join Meeting online: or Join Meeting via phone in two ways: [*]One tap mobile – +17207072699,,989911341# US (Denver) or + ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Minutes for Conference Call 2/8/19

March 1st 2020 PST

*CoDA Board Minutes * *February 8, 2020* The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, February 8th by teleconference. Members in attendance included: Linda A., Don B., Gail S., Yaniv S., Matt T., Salle H., Nancy O.; Guests: Danielle S./AZ, KaGa/Communications; Staff: Anna *Approval of January 17-19, 2020 Public F2F Board Meeting – some/ small changes still need to be made. Matter deferred./* *_Consent Agenda_* January 2020 motions approved Motion 1 – Motion that the Board spend $1,012.50 to both (a) pay ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Service Positions at CoDA Meetings

February 29th 2020 PST

The following is a 2017 revised version of an email we originally sent on 4/30/14 (Taken from the Meeting Handbook ) The Fellowship of CoDA has the responsibility of determining, through its group conscience, the service work to be performed, and the best manner to perform such work. Decisions about service work in the Fellowship and all CoDA affairs are made through the group conscience decision making process. All those who volunteer to do service work for CoDA by serving on committees, boards, or corporations are ...Continue Reading


February 18th 2020 PST

The CoDA Board of Trustees is thrilled to announce that our long-awaited new WordPress website is now live!! The new website has been in development since 2017 involving numerous hours of work by many CoDA trusted servants. The website developer has delivered a secure and colourful website that is welcoming to newcomers, and that is also practical and user-friendly for our trusted servants. Over the past two months, Board members have manually updated the new website with current information (What’s Current in CoDA, t ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Minutes for In Person Meeting 1/17/20 - 1/20/19

February 15th 2020 PST

*Minutes* *CoDA Board F2F Meeting* *Las Vegas, Nevada * The Board of Trustees met face to face from Friday, January 17th through Sunday, June 19th in Las Vegas, Nevada. Members in attendance: Nancy O, Don B., Salle H., Matt T., Linda A., Gail S. and Yaniv S. *Friday, January 17, 2020* *Linda volunteered to take the minutes* *Executive Session *to discuss confidential items Review of Board Bylaws and Policy & Procedures Manual – assigned to Don *Saturday, January 18, 2020* *Consent Agenda*: *December 20 ...Continue Reading

Printable Flyer For The CoDA February Forum - 12 Service Concepts Sat 2/29/20 Noon PST

February 9th 2020 PST

For a more attractive, printable version of the announcement we just sent out, please right click here:, And select "save as". We hope you'll share it with your meetings! In service, CoDA Email List Coordinator You can review previous emails here: If you have a friend who would like to subscribe, please have them go here: If you have a general question ab ...Continue Reading

CoDA February Forum - 12 Service Concepts Sat 2/29/20 Noon PST

February 9th 2020 PST

*/SATURDAY, FEBRUARY /**/29,/**/ /**/2020/* */When : 12:00 noon PST (3:00 pm EST, 4:00 pm ATL)/* “THE TWELVE SERVICE CONCEPTS” SPIRITUAL GUIDELINES, ALIVE & STRONG, FOR ALL CoDA MEMBERS_! LISTEN TO & PARTICIPATE WITH: EXPERIENCE, STRENGTH, AND HOPE FROM … * PRESENTERS: NANCY O. ~ NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA **DAN R. ~ ONTARIO, CANADA* *THE PRESENTATION IS APPROXIMATELY **1 **HR IN LENGTH - Followed Q & A* *To receive reminders of these monthly events, message ** * Join us online: https://zoom. ...Continue Reading

First Annual CoDA International Retreat

February 8th 2020 PST

First Annual CoDA International Retreat ! CoDA Bahama Cruise November 16- 20th, 2020 _Ports of Call_  11/16/20: Depart Orlando- Port Canaveral 11/17/20: Perfect Day at CocoCay!  11/18/20: Nassau  11/19/20: At Sea 11/20/20: Arrive Orlando- Port Canaveral $547 USD per person – Interior Room $615 USD per person – Ocean View $751 USD per person – Ocean Balcony (Prices subject to change if booked after Feb 12th) Includes Taxes and Fees. (Gratuities not included) ONLY $200 refundable deposit per room ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Meeting, Sat., Feb. 8th, 8 AM PST (RSVP)

February 4th 2020 PST

*Public Meeting of the CoDA Board* *Saturday, February 8th, 8AM Pacific Standard Time, online* Join Meeting online: Join Meeting via phone in two ways: [*]One tap mobile - +17207072699,,989911341# US (Denver) or +16465588656,,989911341# US (New York) [*]Dial by your location: +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver) or  +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 989 911 341  (Please note this is the correct id. Find your local number: Please write the bo ...Continue Reading

First Annual CoDA International Retreat

January 26th 2020 PST

First Annual CoDA International Retreat ! CoDA Bahama Cruise November 16- 20th, 2020 _Ports of Call_  11/16/20: Depart Orlando- Port Canaveral 11/17/20: Perfect Day at CocoCay!  11/18/20: Nassau  11/19/20: At Sea 11/20/20: Arrive Orlando- Port Canaveral $547 USD per person – Interior Room $615 USD per person – Ocean View $751 USD per person – Ocean Balcony (Prices subject to change if booked after Feb 12th) Includes Taxes and Fees. (Gratuities not included) ONLY $200 refundable deposit per room ...Continue Reading

CoDA: July Service Conference & Convention Registration Is Open

January 23rd 2020 PST

Register early for our annual CoDA Service Conference (CSC) & Convention (ICC) in Ottawa, Canada! July 19th- 26th Getting early registrations not only helps our planning at CoDA World Services but also saves you money! Only $50 until March 16th for the International CoDA Convention- all workshops and speakers! Direct registration is available here: CoDA 2020 Registration And a larger version of the Flyer is available for download here: USA Residents please note: It w ...Continue Reading

CoDA: No New Postings On The Website Extended To January 30th

January 22nd 2020 PST

We regret to announce that the recent Moratorium on corrections and additions to the CoDA website must be extended until January 30th. Thereafter, CoDA World will resume registering and updating meetings, posting flyers and otherwise responding to new developments. When the new CoDA website goes live, the existing site will be archived. In service, CoDA Board You can review previous emails here: If you have a friend who would like to subscribe, ...Continue Reading

CoDA: No New Postings On The Website Extended To January 30th

January 22nd 2020 PST

We regret to announce that the recent Moratorium on corrections and additions to the CoDA website must be extended until January 30th. Thereafter, CoDA World will resume registering and updating meetings, posting flyers and otherwise responding to new developments. When the new CoDA website goes live, the existing site will be archived. In service, CoDA Board You can review previous emails here: If you have a friend who would like to subscribe, ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Required Readings For CoDA Meetings

January 18th 2020 PST

CoDA Meeting Required Readings To be an official CoDA meeting, the following item is required (& must be followed): _Reading the 4 foundational documents:_     A. The 12 Steps     B. The 12 Traditions     C. The Welcome     D. The Preamble This is stated in writing at the link below, along with the actual 4 documents & more: Another very useful document is the CoDA Meeting Handbook: ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Of Trustees Seeking New Members

January 10th 2020 PST

CoDA members - Please consider doing service with the CoDA Board of Trustees. The board has so many things they would like to accomplish; however, we are limited with a board of seven. We are in need of people who have a few hours a week (around 10 hours coming up to CSC). We are in need of people who have a few hours a week (around 10 hours coming up to CSC). The Board is looking for CoDA members with financial, communication, bilingual and internet computer skills to help respond to the needs of the Fellowship. Here ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Moratorium: Mtg. Registration, Updates

January 2nd 2020 PST

Jan. 2, 2020 Dear CoDA Members, There will be a temporary suspension of new meeting registrations and meeting, as well as general website, updates *_between Saturday, Jan. 4th and Thursday, Jan. 21st_*, as work on the new web site temporarily disrupts the meeting data base. We ask that, between January 4th – 21st, you hold off on informing the Fellowship Services Worker who performs registration and updates of any and all such activity. We’ll return to carrying out those activities on January 22nd, 2020. In serv ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Happy New Year

December 30th 2019 PST

You can review previous emails here: If you have a friend who would like to subscribe, please have them go here: If you have a general question about CoDA (as opposed to the specific content of this email), please email . If you wish more information by phone, please call (888) 444-2359 {Toll free} or (602) 277-7991. For Spanish inquiries you may email or call (888) 444-2379 {Spanish toll free}. ...Continue Reading
  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

The purpose of this list is to share information with any & all CoDA members, especially that which may effect CoDA as a whole.

We will be sending out regular emails with CoDA events, announcements, issues & CoDA business of interest to both specific regions & to the entire CoDA fellowship.

Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.

Privacy Policy:

Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.