CoDA Announcements Archives


Virtual CoDA Board Face to Face Meeting #5 June 20, 2020

June 30th 2020 PST

*CoDA Board of Trustees Virtual Face to Face Meeting #5* *Minutes* *Saturday, June 20, 2020* *Attending: *Linda A/SoCal, Don B/SoCal. Salle/NorCal, Nancy O/Canada, Gail S, Nevada *Minutes June 13, 2020 *Virtual Face to Face Board Meeting – Don moved, Salle seconded, unanimous vote to accept. *Consent Agenda*: *Motion 1: *Move to approve up to $220 + taxes to upgrade the Events Committee Zoom account with webinar features for the months of June 2020, July 2020 and August 2020 so that the Committee can test and host t ...Continue Reading

All 2020 CoDA Service Conference Motions Are Out

June 28th 2020 PST

To the CoDA Fellowship, You can currently download all the CSC motions (including all revised motions) and the Voting Entity Issues that we've recieved. The motions are available in your choice of a zip file or individual motions here: If you'd like just a zip file it's also available here: Please right click on the link and select "save as". There may be new Voting Entity Issues (Motions brought by groups of CoDA meetin ...Continue Reading

CoDA: 2nd Quarter Service Reports To Be Combined With Service Conference Reports

June 22nd 2020 PST

Given the timing of due dates for the second quarter's Quarterly Service Report (July 15th) and the Annual Report for the CSC (July 25th), those two items will be merged together, to be forwarded to by July 25th. This year, the Annual Report will replace the Q2 QSR for the 2020 virtual CSC, as announced in the Minutes of the Board's June 6th meeting. The preceding message was from The CoDA Board Of Trustees, You can review previous emails here: ...Continue Reading

Virtual CoDA Board Face to Face Meeting #4, June 13, 2020

June 20th 2020 PST

*CoDA Board Virtual Face to Face #4* *Saturday, June 13, 2020* *Minutes* *Attending: *Nancy O/Canada, Don B/SoCal, Linda A/SoCal, Salle H/NorCal, Gail S/Nevada, Matt T/Texas, Yaniv S/Israel Move to approve *Minutes June 6, 2020 *Public Board Meeting – Seconded and unanimously accepted. *Consent Agenda*: *Motion 1: *Move that the CoDA Board approve up to $3,500 to have the website developers improve the overall functionality of the Meeting Search elements of the website, that will include the online and phone meetin ...Continue Reading

Correction: CoDA Board Minutes for Conference Call 6/6/20

June 15th 2020 PST

Linda A., the Board Secretary, apologizes for breaking some members’ anonymity in the Minutes of its meeting of June 6, 2020. This was unintentional. The Board hereby issues a version of those minutes that adheres to members' anonymity. *CoDA Board Public Meeting Minutes * *June 6, 2020* The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, June 6th by teleconference.  Members in attendance included: Linda A./SoCal, Gail S./Nevada, Yaniv S./Israel, Salle H./NorCal, Nancy O./Canada, Matt T./Texas Guests: Vince ...Continue Reading

CoDA Fellowship Forum - June 27th, Noon Pacific: Writing For CoDA

June 13th 2020 PST

*The Board of Trustees of Co-Dependents Anonymous invites you to a monthly online Fellowship Forum** * *Saturday, June 27th, 2020 at noon, Pacific Time* *Let's Talk About: Writing For CoDA* Speakers:  Mary I and Faith J - chair of the Co-NNections Committee Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 835 627 588 One tap mobile +16699009128,,835627588# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,835627588# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location       +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)     ...Continue Reading

The 2020 CoDA Service Conference Motions Are Out

June 11th 2020 PST

To the CoDA Fellowship, Right now you can download a zip file of all the CSC motions; and the Voting Entity Issues that we've recieved. There won't be any late motions this year, though they may be revised for the next 15 days.  This link is live now: Please right click on the link and select "save as". Very soon the motions will all be available in your choice of a zip file or individual motions here: There may be ne ...Continue Reading

CoDA Guidelines for Digital Seventh Tradition

June 10th 2020 PST

*Guidelines for Digital Seventh Tradition* Online meeting spaces make it difficult to “pass the basket.” Some groups have set up digital contribution accounts with services like Venmo, PayPal, Google Pay, etc. to deal with this problem. Now might be a good time to review an essential piece of Co-Dependents Anonymous literature, the *Fellowship Service Manual*, part 2, pages 9-10 (“Where do we get funds?”, “What is a prudent reserve…”) Each group is autonomous and might consider taking a group conscience on whether d ...Continue Reading

Virtual CoDA Board Face to Face Meeting, May 30, 2020

June 8th 2020 PST

*CoDA Board Virtual Face to Face Meeting * *Minutes* Saturday, May 30, 2020 *Attending Board members* were Salle H/NorCal, Linda A/SoCal, Don B/SoCal, Nancy O/Canada, Matt T/Texas. Gail S/Nevada and Yaniv S/Israel. *Consent Agenda*: *Motion *to add Gail S, Alternate Board Member, as a signer to the Co-Dependents Anonymous account at Chase Bank. Vote to accept was unanimous. *OLD BUSINESS* *Motion t*o accept the revised Minutes of the Virtual Face to Face Board Meeting of May 16, 2020. Vote to accept was unanimous. ...Continue Reading

CoDA Service Conference Is 100% Free This Year

June 4th 2020 PST

To the CoDA  Fellowship, As you have likely heard, this year’s CoDA Service Conference (CSC) is going to be internet only. We are very excited to share with you a benefit of this, is that as long as you have access to a computer with a web cam & microphone, there will be no cost for any recognized CoDA Voting Entity (VE) to attend. Smart phones may also be an option for delegates; we are not certain yet. If you represent a small area that has never been able to afford to attend the yearly CSC, this is your ch ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Meeting, Sat, June 6th, 8 AM PST (RSVP)

June 4th 2020 PST

*Monthly Public CoDA Board Meeting* Dear CoDA Member, You are invited to attend the April Public CoDA Board Meeting on  Saturday, June 6, 2020 online, 8AM Pacific Time The Board’s public meetings take place online on the first Saturday each month at 8AM Pacific Time (California time). Join Meeting online: or Join Meeting via phone in two ways: [*]One tap mobile – +17207072699,,989911341# US (Denver) or +16465588656,,989911341# US (New York) [*]Dial by your location: +1 72 ...Continue Reading

Virtual CoDA Board Face to Face Meeting, May 16, 2020

June 1st 2020 PST

*CoDA Board Virtual Face to Face Meeting * *Minutes* Saturday, May 16, 2020 8am -2 pm PDT *Minutes May 2, 2020 Board Meeting* Motion to accept revised minutes was seconded and accepted* unanimously.* *Finance Requests* _Change budget reports to include all costs_; ask staff to create a new report analyzing cost center as percentage of sales for past 5 years. Creation of such a detailed report will involve a great amount of staff time and, therefore, cost money. The Board will ascertain what the cost of producing ...Continue Reading

CoDA Literature Committee Seeks Your Recovery Story

May 31st 2020 PST

 To all members of the CoDA Fellowship,   The CoDA Literature Committee is asking for your contributions to a new piece of literature called Growing Up in CoDA: Becoming Emotionally Mature. The focus of this piece is on understanding how we are moving past our childhood problems by using the tools of the CoDA program. Most codependents know the feeling of being surprised by our own feelings and resulting behaviors. Many of us have, at times, felt like a child impersonating an adult, of feeling “little” ...Continue Reading

CoDA Fellowship Forum - May 30th - "Step 12 - Service"

May 22nd 2020 PST

*The Board of Trustees of Co-Dependents Anonymous invites you to a monthly online Fellowship Forum** * *Saturday, May 30th, 2020 at noon, Pacific Time* *Step 12 - Service* Open forum discussion *NOTE: *The Forums are recorded. Those recordings will be posted to: *Fellowship Forum Recordings* Please note, we don’t use video cameras during this event. *WHEN: Typically Last Saturday of the month * *TIME: _Noon_, Pacific Time / _3pm_ Eastern Time, 4pm Atlantic Time * *Duration: 1 hour, followed by open “fe ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Minutes for Conference Call 5/2/20

May 19th 2020 PST

*CoDA Board of Trustees May 2, 2020 Minutes* The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, May 2nd by teleconference.  Members in attendance included: Linda A./SoCal, Don B./SoCal, Gail S./Nevada, Yaniv S./Israel, Salle H./NorCal, Nancy O./Canada, Matt T./Texas Guests: Lou/Illinois-Finance, Vince, Jenni, Kim/Pennsylvania, Jeff, Hugh, Rob/Finance, Terry, Jim, Javier/Mexico, Maggie, Dave, Carole, Tom, Hamid/Iran, Angel/Florida, Jackie, David; Staff: Anna *_Consent Agenda_*  April 4, 2020 Public Bo ...Continue Reading

Virtual CoDA Board Face to Face Meeting, April 25, 2020

May 8th 2020 PST

*CoDA Board Virtual Face to Face Meeting * *Minutes* Saturday, April 25, 2020 8am -2 pm PDT *Attending* were Gail S/Nevada. Linda A/SoCal, Don B/SoCal, Matt T/Texas, Yaniv S/Israel, Salle H/NorCal, Nancy O/Canada. Visitors were Florence H/Maryland, the Events Chair; CJ the website consultant, Joan O/Arizona, Fellowship Services Worker and Carlos H/Colombia, webmaster. *CoDA Service Conference and International CoDA Convention* The Board considered whether to hold both these events virtually, postpone them to later ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Possible Exposure of Confidential Information

May 5th 2020 PST

 Dear CoDA Members, The CoDA Board of Trustees wishes to alert you to the fact that, recently, the call log of CoDA's English 888 phone number was tampered with. We assure you the Board is taking all necessary steps to protect members' anonymity, confidentiality and privacy. In Service, The CoDA Board You can review previous emails here: If you have a friend who would like to subscribe, please have them go here: ...Continue Reading

CoDA Service Conference New Dates

May 2nd 2020 PST

This morning at the monthly public board meeting the board passed a motion supporting the following items. 1. The CoDA Service Conference (CSC) will take place from Monday August 24 through Thursday August 27. Times to be announced at a future date. 2.The Board approves the decision for all reports to be written only, without oral presentation. 3. The Board approves no old business on the last day. 4. The Board raised another idea they feel unanimously about. If giving up oral reports and choosing to have no old bus ...Continue Reading

Correction: CoDA Service Conference Submission Dates Postponed

April 30th 2020 PST

Sorry, 2 corrections on the last email. First, the original dates including ICC were July 19-26, & Second, per the CoDA board the motions deadline is 60 days from conference. The bylaws change deadline is 75 days.     More to come, & thank you for your patience & understanding. CoDA Board of Trustees CSC Prep Workgroup You can review previous emails here: If you have a friend who would like to subs ...Continue Reading

CoDA Service Conference Submission Dates Postponed

April 30th 2020 PST

Due to the Novel Coronavirus pandemic,  the Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) Board members have decided to postpone the July 19-23, 2020 International CoDA Convention and CoDA Service Conference (ICC/CSC). The current plan is to have it be a "virtual" Conference on the internet at dates to be announced. In line with that, we are also postponing the submission dates. The first one _was_ going to be motions were due by May 5th. _THAT IS NO LONGER THE CASE._ Once the dates for the virtual (online) Service ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Meeting, Sat, May 2nd, 8 AM PST (RSVP)

April 30th 2020 PST

*Monthly Public CoDA Board Meeting* Dear CoDA Member, You are invited to attend the April Public CoDA Board Meeting on  Saturday, May 2, 2020 online, 8AM Pacific Time The Board’s public meetings take place online on the first Saturday each month at 8AM Pacific Time (California time). [*]Upcoming meeting:  June 6, 2020 Join Meeting online: or Join Meeting via phone in two ways: [*]One tap mobile – +17207072699,,989911341# US (Denver) or +16465588656,,989911341# US (New Yo ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Minutes for Conference Call 4/4/20

April 27th 2020 PST

*CoDA Board Minutes* *April 4, 2020* The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, April 4th by teleconference.  Members in attendance included: Linda A., Don B., Gail S., Yaniv S., Salle H., Nancy O.; Absent: Matt T. Guests: Lou/IL/Finance, Rami/Israel, Eleni/Brussels, Pacia/CA, Hamid/Iran, Michael/AZ/WCC, Corinne/KS, Yvonne/CA/CoRe, Kelly/AZ; Staff: Anna*                        &nbs ...Continue Reading

CoDA Service Conference & Convention Postponed

April 25th 2020 PST

Due to the Novel Coronavirus pandemic, after careful consultation with the Events Chair the Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) Board members have decided to postpone indefinitely the July 19-23, 2020 International CoDA Convention and CoDA Service Conference (ICC/CSC). We are exploring other possibilities for holding a virtual ICC and Conference. We will advise you of that decision as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and cooperation, CoDA Board of Trustees You can review previous emails here: ht ...Continue Reading

CoDA: New Members On The CoRe Board

April 17th 2020 PST The CoRe Board have recently been recruiting new members to strengthen the board and to replace those who are due to roll off at next conference. We are happy to announce two new members who have already started work and will stand for election at CSC 2020: Christine H – Arizona Ritchard I – Saskatoon, Canada It is not too late to join the CoRe Board as a Trustee or Alternate. If you think you may be interested, we are suggesting you join a concall board meeting to get an idea of what w ...Continue Reading

CoDA Publications: New Product in the Store - Thirty-four Year Medallion

April 15th 2020 PST *A New CoDA Medallion Available!* Thirty-four Year Medallion The first Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) meeting was held on October 22, 1986 in Phoenix, AZ. The Thirty-four Year Medallion is now available for sale: +1 805 297 8114 You can review previous emails here: If you have a friend who would like to subscribe, please have them go here: If you have a g ...Continue Reading
  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

The purpose of this list is to share information with any & all CoDA members, especially that which may effect CoDA as a whole.

We will be sending out regular emails with CoDA events, announcements, issues & CoDA business of interest to both specific regions & to the entire CoDA fellowship.

Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.

Privacy Policy:

Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.