CoDA Announcements Archives


CoDA's 12 Traditions: Tradition #10

April 24th 2021 PST

 The CoDA Board would like to share the Twelve Traditions with the CoDA Fellowship. This is the 10th in a series of excerpts from the CoDA Workbook. We are in the process of sending you 1 tradition each week for a total of 12 weeks.Previous mailings can be found here: You may want to enter traditions in the search box.The traditions are the foundation of our program & of our yearly Service Conference.Please note that all material below this par ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Minutes for Conference Call 4/3/21

April 21st 2021 PST

    *Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.** Board of Trustees Minutes * *April 3, 2021* The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, April 3rd. by videoconference.  Members in attendance included: Nancy O./Canada, Gail S./Nevada, Barbara D/NorCal, Faith J./Canada, Joe R/Guatemala, Matt T./Texas, Yaniv S/Israel, Don B./SoCal.  Representing Chairs Forum: Jay G/Outreach Committee*CONSENT AGENDA **/Motion 1/* – To adopt the Events plan for CSC/ICC for 2021:We will not hold ICC th ...Continue Reading

CoDA's 12 Traditions: Tradition #9

April 17th 2021 PST

 The CoDA Board would like to share the Twelve Traditions with the CoDA Fellowship. This is the 9th in a series of excerpts from the CoDA Workbook. We are in the process of sending you 1 tradition each week for a total of 12 weeks.Previous mailings can be found here: You may want to enter traditions in the search box.The traditions are the foundation of our program & of our yearly Service Conference.Please note that all material below this para ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Our New Management Company!

April 13th 2021 PST

 The CoDA Board is pleased to announce to the Fellowship that we have successfully hired and transitioned to a new management company “Meetings & Concierges Source, LLC" (MCS). This was necessary as a result of the unexpected passing of the owner and CEO of our previous management company, "SOS Associate Management Solutions". We were also fortunate to contract with our previous Bookkeeper as an independent contractor who has seamlessly continued to maintain our financial records.We are very plea ...Continue Reading

2021 CoDA Internet Service Conference Dates

April 12th 2021 PST

The 2021 CoDA Service Conference (CSC) will take place from Tuesday, July 27 through Friday July 30. Times to be announced at a future date.As in 2020, CSC will be virtual (Internet) only, which means any member can attend at no charge!Hopefully the virtual nature of the conference will allow many more non USA delegates to attend. Because of the many time zones involved the Board and the Events Committee feel that shorter days would be of the most benefit to folks in different time zones.Please note: All delegates still ...Continue Reading

CoDA's 12 Traditions: Tradition #8

April 10th 2021 PST

The CoDA Board would like to share the Twelve Traditions with the CoDA Fellowship. This is the 8th in a series of excerpts from the CoDA Workbook. We are in the process of sending you 1 tradition each week for a total of 12 weeks.Previous mailings can be found here: You may want to enter traditions in the search box.The traditions are the foundation of our program & of our yearly Service Conference.Please note that all material below this paragraph ...Continue Reading

CoDA's 12 Traditions: Tradition #7

April 4th 2021 PST

The CoDA Board would like to share the Twelve Traditions with the CoDA Fellowship. This is the 7th in a series of excerpts from the CoDA Workbook. We are in the process of sending you 1 tradition each week for a total of 12 weeks.Previous mailings can be found here: You may want to enter traditions in the search box.The traditions are the foundation of our program & of our yearly Service Conference.Please note that all material below this paragraph ...Continue Reading

CoDA Literature Committee Seeks Volunteers

April 2nd 2021 PST

The CoDA Literature Committee writes new pieces of literature for the Fellowship, including books, booklets, and pamphlets. Edits existing pieces, as needed, prior to re-printing. Requires good writing and editing skills, a minimum of two years working the CoDA program, and a working knowledge of Steps and Traditions. We welcome new members who love literature.Please contact  You can review previous emails here: If you have a friend w ...Continue Reading

2021: CoDA's Year Of Service

April 1st 2021 PST

                 2021: CoDA's Year Of ServiceAt The 2020 Service Conference, A Motion was passed to declare 2021 the "Year Of Service".Did you know that most CoDA members are welcome in joining a committee at the world level? * It's a great way to give back and for you to make a difference!Some have personally found doing service to be a great way to learn to set boundaries and say no when we need or want to. Especially early on, some need t ...Continue Reading

CoDA Email And Phone Teams Need Volunteers

March 30th 2021 PST

Help Wanted!The Communication Committee is looking for volunteers willing to answer emails and return calls.Our Email team (CET) is needing 3 people to answer emails Friday, Saturday and Sunday (1 person for each day). The emails average 10 per day.Our C-Phone team is in need of one volunteer to return phone messages left on the CoDA phone line on Saturday. Messages average 3 a day.It is suggested that volunteers have at least one to two years in CoDA, working on the Steps and Traditions. If interested, or if you have q ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Meeting, Sat, April 3rd, 8 AM PST With Agenda

March 30th 2021 PST

      *Monthly Public CoDA Board Meeting* Further to the email below inviting you to the upcoming Public Board Meeting on Saturday, April 3, 2021, here is the DRAFT Agenda for this meeting.*CoDA Board of Trustees**Agenda * *April 3, 2021*Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am PT/10 am -11:30 pm CT & Guatemala/11 am-12:30 pm ET/12 Noon-1:30 pm AT*/*6:00-7:30 pm Israel /Join Zoom Meeting// ID: 968 2103 7645//One tap mobile//+13462487799,,96821037645#//&n ...Continue Reading

CoDA's 12 Traditions: Tradition #6

March 28th 2021 PST

 The CoDA Board would like to share the Twelve Traditions with the CoDA Fellowship. This is the 6th in a series of excerpts from the CoDA Workbook. We are in the process of sending you 1 tradition each week for a total of 12 weeks.Previous mailings can be found here: You may want to enter traditions in the search box.The traditions are the foundation of our program & of our yearly Service Conference.Please note that all material below this para ...Continue Reading

CoDA Board Minutes for Conference Call 3/6/21

March 24th 2021 PST

    *Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.** Board of Trustees Minutes * *March 6, 2021* The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, March 6th by videoconference.  Members in attendance included: Nancy O./Canada, Gail S./Nevada, Barbara D/NorCal, Faith J./Canada, Joe/Guatemala, Matt T./Texas, Yaniv/Israel, Chairs Forum Representative, Pam - CoNNections. Absent:  Don B./SoCal*CONSENT AGENDA **/Motion 1/* - To accept Rev. 4 of the Feb. 6, 2021 Board Minutes. Moved: Nancy Second ...Continue Reading

CoDA Winter Internet Retreat 3/27/21 It's Not Too Late To Sign Up

March 23rd 2021 PST

​CoDA End of Winter Retreat 2021! Power of Connections through Loving and Healthy Relationships or ServiceMarch 27: 11am -5pm EDT, 8am-2pm PDT, 3pm-11pm GMT/UTC Virtual Workshops and Speakers:  Free Registration via Eventbrite.  Suggested Donation $10.  After you register through Eventbrite you will receive additional instructions via email to register for the Zoom meeting. Agenda will also follow via email.   Registration link:  https://2021coda ...Continue Reading

CoDA: More Recovery Materials - Content Task Force Work Group

March 23rd 2021 PST

In response to a Motion passed at CoDA Service Conference (CSC) 2020, the CoDA Board is inviting members who may wish to join others in identifying CoDA materials in use by entities around the world and not yet brought to the annual conferences.The aim is to expand the range of materials to enhance recovery by dealing with codependent behaviors not yet covered or by approaching them differently. CoDA will benefit by increased royalties and members will benefit from expanded resources.The group will reach out globally in ...Continue Reading

CoDA: "Contact Us" Webpage Is Currently Down

March 23rd 2021 PST

The "Contact Us" page on the website is currently not working. This is as a result of our recent migration to a new host server. We expect it to be corrected within the next few days.In the meantime, questions can be sent directly to the following emails, depending on what is needed.General Information - info@coda.orgCODA Board Information - board@coda.orgWebsite Information - webliaison@coda.orgMeetings Information - In service,Gail SCoDA Board Vice Chair CoDA Fellowship Forum ...Continue Reading

CoDA's 12 Traditions: Tradition #5

March 20th 2021 PST

The CoDA Board would like to share the Twelve Traditions with the CoDA Fellowship. This is the 5th in a series of excerpts from the CoDA Workbook. We are in the process of sending you 1 tradition each week for a total of 12 weeks.Previous mailings can be found here: You may want to enter traditions in the search box.The traditions are the foundation of our program & of our yearly Service Conference.Please note that all material below this paragraph ...Continue Reading

2021 CoDA Service Conference Internet Only Dates!

March 20th 2021 PST

                  Save The Date!Dear CoDA Fellowship,The 2021 CoDA Service Conference and International CoDA Convention in Ottawa, Canada has been cancelled.  If you are in need of a refund or have any other questions, please contact  GREAT NEWS:The 2021 CoDA Service Conference (CSC) will be "virtual" (internet based), like last year. No travel time or costs!The dates for the actual Con ...Continue Reading Website Is Fully Restored!

March 18th 2021 PST

      Dear CoDA Members,The website host migration process has been successfully completed and it is now safe to resume normal website operations.  This includes new meeting registrations and meeting updates.We thank you for your patience over the past several days.In Service,CoDA Board of You can review previous emails here: If you have a friend who would like to subscribe, please have them ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Suggestions To Keep On Line Meetings Safe

March 17th 2021 PST

 With many of our CoDA meetings moved to internet based video rooms & phone lines, by now you’ve probably heard of the “bombers” that like to interrupt meetings with their inappropriate behaviors. Here are some suggestions to help keep your group’s meetings safe. These are not 100% inclusive; it is best to research the help file of the provider or vendor that your meeting chooses.*1. Never use your personal meeting ID* - Instead, consider generating a new meeting ID for your meeting.*2. ...Continue Reading

CoDA's 12 Traditions: Tradition #4

March 13th 2021 PST

 The CoDA Board would like to share the Twelve Traditions with the CoDA Fellowship. This is the 4th in a series of excerpts from the CoDA Workbook. We are in the process of sending you 1 tradition each week for a total of 12 weeks.Previous mailings can be found here: You may want to enter traditions in the search box.The traditions are the foundation of our program & of our yearly Service Conference.Please note that all material below this para ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Website Updates And Temporary Moratorium On Meeting Updates/New Listings

March 12th 2021 PST

      Dear CoDA Members,The website is scheduled to begin migrating to a new hosting service within the next 48 hours. We don’t know when the process will be completed, but we hope by early next week.As a result, there will be a temporary suspension of all new meeting registrations and meeting updates, as well as, general website updates until we notify you that it is safe to resume normal operations. The REGISTER NEW MEETING form has also been temporarily disabled.We ask that, until fu ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Across The Time Zones: New Year's Meetings

March 9th 2021 PST

March 8, 2021Greetings to all and thank you for your participation in the First ZOOM Across The Time Zones, New Year’s 2020 celebration.The AVM subcommittee invites your feedback on the Across The Time Zones New Year’s 2020 Meeting. Your direct feedback is invaluable to our coda mission. You are why we serve. Thank you for your participation and feedback as we develop future AVM programs.Gratefully in service,Communications [AVM] Audio Visual Media subcommittee */Please send your feedback to/*/:/ Subj ...Continue Reading

CoDA's 12 Traditions: Tradition #3

March 6th 2021 PST

The CoDA Board would like to share the Twelve Traditions with the CoDA Fellowship. This is the 3rd in a series of excerpts from the CoDA Workbook. We are in process of sending you 1 tradition each week for a total of 12 weeks.Previous mailings can be found here: You may want to enter traditions in the search box.The traditions are the foundation of our program & of our yearly Service Conference.Please note that all material below this paragraph is ta ...Continue Reading

CoDA's 12 Traditions: Tradition #3

March 6th 2021 PST

The CoDA Board would like to share the Twelve Traditions with the CoDA Fellowship. This is the 3rd in a series of excerpts from the CoDA Workbook. We are in process of sending you 1 tradition each week for a total of 12 weeks.Previous mailings can be found here: You may want to enter traditions in the search box.The traditions are the foundation of our program & of our yearly Service Conference.Please note that all material below this paragraph is ta ...Continue Reading
  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

The purpose of this list is to share information with any & all CoDA members, especially that which may effect CoDA as a whole.

We will be sending out regular emails with CoDA events, announcements, issues & CoDA business of interest to both specific regions & to the entire CoDA fellowship.

Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.

Privacy Policy:

Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.