July 21st 2021 PST
H&I Lights Newsletterof the Hospitals & Institutions Committee of CoDA Beam 7 July 2021 _Have you ever been stuck?_How did you feel when you got unstuck? Sharing the message of CoDA with residents of institutions often brings new freedom to them“I really am grateful & hopeful to what I have learned & how it’s going to affect my life, my relationships w/family, children, friends, & how important it is to be able to pas ...Continue Reading
July 19th 2021 PST
*CoDA Board of Trustees**Virtual F2F Board Meeting Minutes* *July 10, 2021* *Attending: *Nancy O/Canada, Don B/SoCal, Barbara/NorCal, Gail S/Nevada, Yaniv S/Israel, ...Continue Reading
July 16th 2021 PST
*CoDA Board of Trustees**Virtual F2F Board Meeting Minutes* *June 26, 2021* * **Attending: *Nancy O/Canada, Don B/SoCal, Barbara/NorCal, Gail S/Nevada, Yaniv S/Israel, Faith J/Canada, Matt T/Texas, Joe R/Guatemala - (Partial Attendance) *_Consent Agenda_* *Motion 1: *Move to approve the TOTAL COST ESTIMATE: $1,432.5 ...Continue Reading
July 14th 2021 PST
Did you know that any CoDA member is welcome to observe the July 27-30 Service Conference at no charge? If you're interested, please go here:VIRTUAL 2021 CoDA Service Business Conference July 26 -July 30 Registration, Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 2:00 PM | Eventbritethen click on register, then select "observer" and finish your registration. We also want to let you know that the Zip file edition of the delegate packet for the 2021 CSC is complete. If you have not downloaded it ...Continue Reading
July 8th 2021 PST
/Please consider doing service with the as a Board of Trustee for: CoDA ~ Codependents Anonymous Incorporated CoRe ~ CoDA Resource Publishing Incorporated/*CoDA Board of Trustees* - Handles the daily business of CoDA, when CoDA Service Conference (CSC) is not in session. Board@CoDA.org The CoDA Board membership is elected at the yearly CoDA Service Conference (CSC) for a 3-year term. After 2 years, the person can run for an additional 3-year term. No person can serve more than 2 ...Continue Reading
July 7th 2021 PST
Announcement Update for Virtual CoDA Service Conference (CSC) 2021 Delegate Orientation: Monday, July 26 2-4 EDT CSC: Tuesday, July 27 – Friday, July 30th from 11 AM – 4 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) Welcome to our second Virtual ONLY CoDA Service Conference (CSC) in 2021. World CoDA cares about the health and wellbeing of our Trusted Servants and Fellowship members. We are under extraordinary circumstances and we continue to adapt. The CoDA Events Committee in consu ...Continue Reading
July 5th 2021 PST
Dear Fellowship, Have you ever wanted to observe the CoDA Service Conference (CSC) and observe how CoDA conducts our business? This year, the entire Conference is going to be virtual only, so it's a great opportunity to learn about CoDA while incurring absolutely no travel (or other) expenses! All you need to observe the CoDA Service Conference is a computer or smart phone.Dates: Tuesday, 7/27 – Friday, 7/30If you're interested, please register here at no charge: https:// ...Continue Reading
July 5th 2021 PST
The CoDA Service Conference (CSC) is only 17 days away! If your meeting, intergroup, regional or state CoDA Organization wishes to share your group conscience with your delegate(s) regarding any 2021 issues, we suggest you do so soon!Other than 1 or 2 last minute additions, the full CoDA Service Conference (CSC) delegate packet is out.There are several ways to get the delegate packet.There will be a complete delegate packet as a zip here: https://www.codependents.org/2021CDP.zipOr yo ...Continue Reading
June 29th 2021 PST
*CoDA Board of Trustees**Virtual F2F Board Meeting * *June 12, 2021**Attending: *Nancy O/Canada, Don B/SoCal, Barbara/NorCal, Gail S/Nevada, Yaniv S/Israel, Faith J/Canada, Joe R/Guatemala. *Absent*: Matt T/Texas. *_Old Business_* *Email DRAFT re TEAM *– The Board reviewed an email to send to Trusted Servants regarding the unauthorized use of Microsoft Teams within the CoDA Board MS Office 365 Account by some Trusted Servants. The CoDA Board MS Office Teams feature has been turned off s ...Continue Reading
June 22nd 2021 PST
*Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.** Board of Trustees Minutes * *June 5, 2021* The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, June 5th, 2021 by videoconference. Members in attendance included: Nancy O./Canada, Gail S./Nevada, Barbara D/NorCal, Faith J./Canada, Joe R/Guatemala, Yaniv S/Israel, Don B./SoCal, Matt T/Texas*CONSENT AGENDA **Treasurer’s report/Financials*JP Morgan Chase Checking$ 172,590.85JP Morgan Chase Savings$ 220,378.51National Bank of Arizona$ 100,670.03Tot ...Continue Reading
June 19th 2021 PST
The following is a slightly revised version of an email we originally sent on 2/17/16 Did you know that a large portion of CoDA's history since January 2010 is available for all to review in the email list archives?https://codependents.org/coda_email_lists.htmIt includes every email ever sent on the public CoDA Email lists.There are 7 lists with differing content: 1. General Announcements - What's new In CoDA & How do things in CoDA work?2. QSR - Our Quarterly Service Reports3. Weekly Reading - The Co-NNec ...Continue Reading
June 13th 2021 PST
This is a resending of a message that first went out on 2/27/18. It's potentially even more useful today due to the current lack of in person meetings. We're writing today to share 2 CoDA resources with you that you may not be aware of. Both are especially valuable if you live in an area with few meetings or even if you just feel like you need a meeting & there isn't one available at the moment.Most of us attend in person meetings; many of ...Continue Reading
June 5th 2021 PST
*Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.** Board of Trustees Minutes * *May 28, 2021* *Attending: *Nancy O/Canada, Don B/SoCal, Barbara/NorCal, Gail S/Nevada, Yaniv S/Israel, Faith J/Canada, Joe R/Guatemala. *Absent*: Matt T/Texas. *_Old Business_* *Approve Minutes of Virtual F2F Board Meeting May 22, 2021**Motion *– Move to accept the May 22, 2021 Virtual Face to Face Board Meeting Minutes. Move – Nancy, Second – Don, Vote – Yes, Unanimous *Board CSC 2021 Motion Revisions due May ...Continue Reading
May 31st 2021 PST
*Monthly Public CoDA Board Meeting*Further to the email below inviting you to the upcoming Public Board Meeting on Saturday, June 5, 2021, here is the DRAFT Agenda for this meeting.*CoDA Board of Trustees**Agenda * *June 5, 2021*Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:15 am PT9-10:15 am Guatemala/10 am -11:15 am CT/11 am-12:15 pm ET/12 Noon-1:15 pm AT*/*6:00-7:15 pm Israel/Join Zoom Meeting//https://zoom.us/j/96821037645//Meeting ID: 968 2103 7645//One tap mobile//+13462487799,,96821037645#// US (Ho ...Continue Reading
May 29th 2021 PST
To the CoDA Fellowship,You can download all the CSC motions (including all revised motions) and the Voting Entity Issues that we've received. The motions are available in your choice of a zip file or individual motions here: https://coda.org/delegate-package-2021/If you'd like one zip file with all the motions included, it's also available here: https://www.codependents.org/2021_Motions.zip. Please right click on the link and select "save as".There may be new Voting Entity ...Continue Reading
May 24th 2021 PST
*Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.** Board of Trustees Minutes * *May 8, 2021* *Attending: *Nancy O/Canada, Don B/SoCal, Barbara/NorCal, Gail S/Nevada, Matt T/Texas, Yaniv S/Israel, Faith J/Canada, Joe R/Guatemala *Old Business* *_Board Motions for CSC 2021_* - The Board voted unanimously to submit 5 Motions to the 2021 CoDA Service Conference. Nancy will send those to submitcsc@coda.org on behalf of the Board within the next few days. *_Board of Trustee Application an ...Continue Reading
May 24th 2021 PST
*Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.** Board of Trustees Minutes * *May 1, 2021* The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, May 1st. by videoconference. Members in attendance included: Nancy O./Canada, Gail S./Nevada, Barbara D/NorCal, Faith J./Canada, Joe R/Guatemala, Yaniv S/Israel, Don B./SoCal. Representing Chairs Forum: Rob O. *CONSENT AGENDA **/Motion 1/* – To accept the attached Combined Board Q1 2021 QSR. */Motion 2 /*– Move to accept the attached ...Continue Reading
May 18th 2021 PST
The Board is grateful to a member of our fellowship who pointed out an error in some of the printed and virtual versions of Tradition 7.Tradition 7. Every CoDA group ought to be fully self supporting, declining outside contributions.Some versions have, A CoDA group ought to be fully self supporting, declining outside contributions.Our Web Liaison made the corrections to the website. And our CoDA Literature Committee will make the corrections prior to the next printing of the affected CoDA pieces of literature.Respectful ...Continue Reading
May 18th 2021 PST
You can download a zip file of all the CoDA Service Conference (CSC) motions; and the Voting Entity Issues (VEI) that we've received. There may be some revised motions for the next 10 days.To download all motions in a zip file, please go to: https://www.codependents.org/2021_Motions.zip. Please right click on the link and select "save as".Or if you prefer to download each motion individually, please go here: https://coda.org/delegate-package-2021/ The motions start about 1/2 way down the page.There may be new ...Continue Reading
May 8th 2021 PST
This is the 12th in a series of excerpts from the CoDA Workbook. We are in the process of sending you 1 tradition each week for a total of 12 weeks.Previous mailings can be found here: https://codependents.org/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/main/ You may want to enter traditions or tradition # in the search box.The traditions are the foundation of our program & of our yearly Service Conference.Please note that all material below this paragraph is taken directly from the CoDA Workbook & is Conference approved. While ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2021 PST
CoDA World End of Winter Retreat 2021 Recordings Are Now Available! We're happy to announce that the Winter Retreat recordings are now available for download here:https://www.codependents.org/Events_Winter_Retreat/index.htm In Service,Your CoDA Events Committeeevents@coda.org You can review previous emails here: https://codependents.org/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/main/ If you have a friend who would like to subscribe, please have them go here: https://www.codependents.org/sub.htm If you have a general qu ...Continue Reading
May 3rd 2021 PST
This is the 11th in a series of excerpts from the CoDA Workbook. We are in the process of sending you 1 tradition each week for a total of 12 weeks.Previous mailings can be found here: https://codependents.org/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/main/ You may want to enter traditions in the search box.The traditions are the foundation of our program & of our yearly Service Conference.Please note that all material below this paragraph is taken directly from the CoDA Workbook & is Conference approved. While we are sharing ...Continue Reading
April 28th 2021 PST
https://coda.org/proper-use-of-the-coda-logo/This is the CoDA Seal; it is a registered trademark. Use of this mark is only allowed under a Trademark License Agreement, which agreement may allow customization by adding the name of an Intergroup or Voting Entity to the outside perimeter of the seal and/or translation of the words within the circle other than “CoDA”. No other changes are permitted. Please contact board@coda.org.CoDA groups may use the following seals on their letterheads, news ...Continue Reading
April 27th 2021 PST
*Monthly Public CoDA Board Meeting* Further to the email below inviting you to the upcoming Public Board Meeting on Saturday, April 3, 2021, here is the DRAFT Agenda for this meeting.*CoDA Board of Trustees**Agenda * *May 1, 2021*Day/Time: Saturday - 8-9:30 am PT/10 am -11:30 pm CT & Guatemala/11 am-12:30 pm ET/12 Noon-1:30 pm AT*/*6:00-7:30 pm Israel /Join Zoom Meeting//https://zoom.us/j/96821037645//Meeting ID: 968 2103 7645//One tap mobile//+13462487799,,96821037645#//&nbs ...Continue Reading
April 26th 2021 PST
Given the timing of due dates for the second quarter’s Quarterly Service Report (July 15th) and the Annual Report for the CoDA Service Conference (June 27th), those two items will be merged together, to be forwarded to submitcsc@coda.org by June 27th. This year, the Annual Report will replace the Q2 Quarterly Service Report for the 2021 Virtual CoDA Service Conference, as decided at the April 3, 2021 Board Meeting.In Service,CoDA Board of Trusteesboard@coda.org ...Continue Reading
This mailing list is announce-only.
The purpose of this list is to share information with any & all CoDA members, especially that which may effect CoDA as a whole.
We will be sending out regular emails with CoDA events, announcements, issues & CoDA business of interest to both specific regions & to the entire CoDA fellowship.
Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.
Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.