CoDA Hospital & Institution Information Contact List: Archives


CoDA Hospitals & Institutions: Seeking CoDA Members For Institutional Work

May 6th 2021 PDT

Hospitals and Institutions The H&I committee is developing a database of contact information of State Voting Entities, Intergroups, local H&I committees, and individuals interested in bringing the CoDA message to codependents in facilities within the United States. We would appreciate receiving contact information from anyone working in H&I service in any capacity or know of any facility wanting our service. This list will improve communication between this committee and CoDA members, local groups and VEs, and ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions: H&I Lights Newsletter #6

February 22nd 2021 PDT

H&I Lights Newsletterof the Hospitals & Institutions Committee of CoDA   Beam 6    January 2021        Saving lives “I think we are saving some lives here. …making a BIG difference…with the Workbook especially. …most grateful to get it.”   From an inmate in California.  What has H&I done?_ CoDA has a Books for Inmates and Institutions program that sends free CoDA Books and Workbooks to residents of institutions*- such as (but are not limited to) r ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions: Interested in stepping up your recovery?

October 20th 2020 PDT

CoDA’s Hospitals and Institutions committee has a sponsorship program for inmates. The aim of sponsoring is to guide the sponsee confined to a prison or institution through CoDA’s steps and traditions. We are desperate to have CoDA members who are willing to sponsor including Spanish speakers. All correspondence is done by US Mail. Anonymity is maintained.For more information and application, go to: or email Inma ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions Seeks Sponsors For Inmates

July 4th 2020 PDT

Interested in stepping up your recovery? CoDA has a sponsorship program for inmates. The aim of sponsoring is to guide the sponsee through CoDAs steps and traditions. We are desperate to have CoDA members who are willing to sponsor men who have requested sponsors. All of the correspondence is done by mail, generally, US Mail. Anonymity is maintained. For more information and application, please  click here. We could also use members willing to sponsor women, too. Please consider sharing your Experience, Strength ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions Seeks Sponsors For Inmates

March 13th 2020 PDT

H&I needs some more people who would be willing to sponsor inmates. We have three men and five new applicants who have requested sponsors. This service can be both very rewarding and frustrating. All of the communication is via US mail. If you're intrigued, interested, challenged, and it's your Higher Power's will, check out the information on the CoDA website at: or contact us at hosp@PROTE ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions Seeks Sponsors For Inmates

December 5th 2019 PDT

H&I needs some more people who would be willing to sponsor inmates. If you have completed and sent in an application form to be a sponsor and are ready, willing, and able to sponsor again, please contact Inmatesponsorshipcoordinator@PROTECTED. We have two men who have requested sponsors and completed their applications already. This service can be both very rewarding and frustrating. All of the communication is via US mail. If you're intrigued, interested, challenged, and it's your Higher Power's will, check out the in ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions Seeks Volunteers

October 28th 2019 PDT

H&I needs some more people who would be willing to sponsor inmates. We have one man and one woman who have requested sponsors and completed their applications already. This service can be both very rewarding and frustrating. All of the communication is via US mail. If you're intrigued, interested, challenged, and it's your Higher Power's will, check out the information on the CoDA website at: ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Form Update Female H&I Sponsor

May 7th 2019 PDT

If you are are having difficulty with filling out the previous email, please download this short word document,, fill it out, & email it to inmatesponsorship@PROTECTED Thanks, Jim B., H&I Sponsorship Coordinator hosp@PROTECTED ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Request for Female H&I Sponsor

May 7th 2019 PDT

Folks, The H&I Committee has received a request from a Female inmate for a sponsor by mail. If you are available, would you fill out this form and reply back with it to inmatesponsorship@PROTECTED? H&I Sponsor Application Below please find an application for sponsors in the CoDA Inmate Sponsor Program. The next few pages outline the expectations and requirements for participation as a Sponsor in the Inmate Sponsorship Program. Please fill in the form and return to Inmate Sponsorship Coordinator at CoDA, P.O. Box 335 ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospital & Institution Information Contact List: H&I Fellowship Call 7/19/18 - All Are Welcome

July 16th 2018 PDT

The Hospitals and Institutions Committee of CoDA extends an invitation to anyone who is interested in or curious about what we do to attend (as an observer) our regular committee meeting on Thursday, July 19, 2018 (Thursday). The meeting starts at 6 pm Pacific time (7-Mountain, 8-Central, 9-Eastern) and lasts one hour and is a teleconference that you may attend by telephone (a toll call), or online. This is the contact information to attend by phone: Number 1 (480) 409-7350, Conference ID Number: 16406629 If you are in ...Continue Reading
  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

This list is for CoDA members who are H & I (Hospital and Institutions) contacts for their region or group. The purpose to send information regarding H & I service opportunities and resources from the H & I Committee and then for the contacts to share that information with their Intergroup or local meetings. Individual members may also be part of the list in order find out more about H & I service.

We appreciate your participation.


The Hospitals and Institutions Committee, Codependents Anonymous, Inc.

Privacy Policy:

Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.