CoDA Hospital & Institution Information Contact List: Archives


CoDA Hospitals & Institutions Committee Need for Sponsors

November 26th 2024 PST

H&I Committee  Need for Sponsors  Our committee is experiencing an unprecedented need for sponsors for inmates in prisons and jails across the country,  One in fourteen children in the US will have a parent in prison at some point during their childhood. These children, and their caregivers, are often angry, confused and hurt.  When an incarcerated person works the program. They have a better understanding of relationships which can potentially Increase Resilience in their Children.  Our current ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions Committee Need for Sponsors

November 20th 2023 PST

 H&I Committee   Need for Sponsors    Our committee is experiencing an unprecedented need for sponsors for inmates in prisons and jails across the country,  One in fourteen children in the US will have a parent in prison at some point during their childhood. These children, and their caregivers, are often angry, confused and hurt.  When an incarcerated person works the program. They have a better understanding of relationships which can potentially Increase Resilience in their Children.  &n ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions: H&I Lights Newsletter #9

July 20th 2023 PST

 *H&I Lights Newsletter*  *of the Hospitals & Institutions Committee of CoDA ** **/ /**/ /**Beam 9    July, 2023 **      **Have you ever been stuck?_** *How did you feel when you got unstuck?  Sharing the message of CoDA with residents of institutions often brings new freedom to them. /“I really am grateful & hopeful to what I have learned & how it’s going to affect my life, my relationships w/family, children, friends, & how impo ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions: Sponsors Needed

June 30th 2023 PST

Interested in growing your recovery? Consider sponsoring an inmate!Sponsoring a person confined to a prison or institution through CoDA’s steps and traditions enhances recovery. We are reaching out to CoDA members who are willing to sponsor, including Spanish speakers. All correspondence is done by US Mail. Anonymity is protected and maintained.Inmate Sponsorship program is part of CoDA’s Hospitals and Institutions Committee.For more information and application, Go to: ...Continue Reading

CoDA: Are You Interested In Growing Your Recovery?

February 27th 2023 PST

H&I Lights Newsletterof the Hospitals & Institutions Committee of CoDA  Are you interested in growing your recovery? Consider sponsoring an inmate!Sponsoring a person confined to a prison or institution through CoDA's steps and traditions enhances recovery. We are reaching out to CoDA members willing to sponsor, including Spanish speakers. All correspondence is done by US Mail, and anonymity is protected and maintained. For more information and application, go to: ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions: H&I Lights Newsletter #8

August 16th 2022 PST

H&I Lights Newsletterof the Hospitals & Institutions Committee of CoDA   Beam 8    August 2022        What could you do when a Facility requests your help in bringing CoDA to those residing in their facility?  *Establish Contact people*: Contact person at a facility: Social Worker, Spiritual leader, Librarian, Warden, Director, or counselor). This may be the person who contacted CoDA with the request. Find local CoDA meeting members willing t ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions: Sponsors Needed

July 25th 2022 PST

H&I Lights Newsletterof the Hospitals & Institutions Committee of CoDA   Interested in stepping up your recovery?CoDA’s Hospitals and Institutions committee has a sponsorship program for inmates. The aim of sponsoring is to guide the sponsee confined to a prison or institution through CoDA’s steps and traditions.CoDA’s Hospitals and Institutions committee has a sponsorship program for inmates. Sponsoring a sponsee confined to a prison or institution through CoDA’s steps and traditions serves to enhance you ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions: Sponsors Needed

March 2nd 2022 PST

H&I Lights Newsletterof the Hospitals & Institutions Committee of CoDA   Interested in stepping up your recovery?CoDA’s Hospitals and Institutions committee has a sponsorship program for inmates. The aim of sponsoring is to guide the sponsee confined to a prison or institution through CoDA’s steps and traditions.We are desperate to have CoDA members who are willing to sponsor including Spanish speakers. All correspondence is done by US Mail. Anonymity is maintained. For more information and application, go ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions: Meeting Time Correction

October 7th 2021 PST

H&I Lights Newsletterof the Hospitals & Institutions Committee of CoDA   On Monday, we sent out the wrong time for the Monthly H&I meeting. It is actually every third Thursday from 5 to 6:30 US Eastern time zone via Zoom. hosp@PROTECTED ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions: An Invitation to do Service

October 5th 2021 PST

H&I Lights Newsletterof the Hospitals & Institutions Committee of CoDA   An Invitation to do ServiceWhat is the Role of the Hospitals and Institutions Committee?  Hospitals & Institutions Committee (H&I) at the CoDA, Inc. level acts as a resource and support to those doing H&I service locally (taking CoDA meetings/resources/message into facilities–medical, penal, educational, and social services institutions) at all levels of the Fellowship (CoDA Service Conference, Voting Entity, Intergroup, ...Continue Reading
  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

This list is for CoDA members who are H & I (Hospital and Institutions) contacts for their region or group. The purpose to send information regarding H & I service opportunities and resources from the H & I Committee and then for the contacts to share that information with their Intergroup or local meetings. Individual members may also be part of the list in order find out more about H & I service.

We appreciate your participation.


The Hospitals and Institutions Committee, Codependents Anonymous, Inc.

Privacy Policy:

Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.