July 1st 2023 PST
This communication is to provide important, time sensitive information regarding the 2023 CoDA International Conference (ICC) in Houston, Texas, July 23rd-27th. You know how we love our acronyms… well here’s a new one: *_RMR_*_:_ *_Registration + Meals* + Reservations*_**_* Deadline is July 7, 2023_**_R: Registration_*ICC registration can be made on Eventbrite (if you have not already registered): https://2023internationalcodaconvention.eventbrite.com/*_M: Meals_*Have you pre-purchased your menu options ...Continue Reading
June 23rd 2023 PST
*_Don’t miss out: _** To see and hear Ken and Mary, the founders of Co-Dependents Anonymous,* To participate in the variety of workshops offered, and* To take part in all the fun activities, such as: Raffles, Line Dancing, a Scavenger Hunt, and so much more! *_Meal and Hotel Reservation Deadline:_*If you have not already done so, please reserve your room and make your meal selections today! The deadline is* _July 7, 2023._* Host Hotel Reservations: To secure your accommodation and take advanta ...Continue Reading
May 25th 2023 PST
/CoDA World embraces the multilingual and cultural diversity the Fellowship holds around the world/. The International CoDA Convention (ICC) is a time and place for codependents from around the world to meet, celebrate and further their recovery. Newcomers and old timers attend workshops and enjoy hearing speakers share their experience, strength, and hope of CoDA Recovery. The Convention is presented in English. Trusted Servants from around the world, who speak multiple languages, are invited to ...Continue Reading
May 3rd 2023 PST
The International CoDA Convention (ICC) is a time and place for codependents to meet to celebrate and further their recovery. Newcomers and old timers attend workshops and enjoy hearing speakers share their experience, strength and hope of CoDA Recovery. In addition, there are fun events being planned. Come hang out, join in the fellowship and invest in YOU!Friday, July 28, 2023 - Sunday, July 30, 2023 (until Noon CDT)_Registration is now open_ and the suggested donation is discounted until May 31, 202 ...Continue Reading
April 29th 2023 PST
Every Sunday: 4/30/23, 5/7/23, etc 11:30 Pacific, 2:30 EasternCoDA Arizona’s Sunday Zoom SeriesMore Info: https://coda.org/wp-content/uploads/2023-04-15-Sunday-Speaker-Series-Flyer.pdfContact: codaarizona@gmail.com Saturday, May 6th 9:30 AM PDT, 5:30 PM GMTCoDA UK: Service a doorway to connection, self esteem and healthy relationshipsInformation: https://codauk.org/new-6th-may-service-a-doorway-to-connection/ Friday May 12 5 PM PDT - Sunday May 14 Noon PDTCoDA Canada (BC) Loon Lake RetreatContact nrpretto@gmai ...Continue Reading
February 28th 2023 PST
*CoDA Service Conference (CSC) - Business Meeting*The CoDA Service Conference (CSC) is CoDA World’s annual business meeting the week before ICC. The CSC is held each year in order to transact CoDA World business through the group conscience process. The location varies from year to year to support and help grow CoDA communities around the world. Attendees can attend this event in person or virtually via the internet.•* *Sunday, July 23, 2023: Mandatory Delegate Orientation• Monday July 24, 2023 - Thursday, July 27, ...Continue Reading
January 31st 2023 PST
Sponsorship Workshop - “Joy in the Journey” The online workshop is sponsored by the World CoDA Outreach Committee and will provide information and encouragement for sponsors and sponsees.Current CoDA sponsors and sponsees will share their experience, strength and hope regarding sponsorship. Open share will allow participants to share their experience, strength, and hope and ask questions about sponsorship. Saturday, February 11, 2023 11:00 am to 2:30 pm Eastern time zone** * * Registration is required * * ...Continue Reading
January 20th 2023 PST
Sponsorship Workshop - “Joy in the Journey” The online workshop is sponsored by the World CoDA Outreach Committee and will provide information and encouragement for sponsors and sponsees.Current CoDA sponsors and sponsees will share their experience, strength and hope regarding sponsorship. Open share will allow participants to share their experience, strength, and hope and ask questions about sponsorship. Saturday, February 11, 2023 11:00 am to 2:30 pm Eastern time zone** * * Registration is required * * ...Continue Reading
December 16th 2022 PST
Dear CoDA Fellowship, As we wrote recently, there will be marathon CoDA meetings on both of the upcoming holidays. CoDA would like to express our gratitude to the meetings that are offering a safe space for the Co-Dependent who is suffering during the holidays. Below, you will find a list for each of the 4 days of all special holiday meetings. We also suggest checking the CoDA internet & phone meeting locator athttps://coda.org/find-a-meeting/online-meetings/ for additional resources. Please check bac ...Continue Reading
December 12th 2022 PST
12/24/22CoDAthon Christmas Eve Internet & Phone Meetingshttps://www.codependents.org/codathon.2022.12.24.22.pdf 12/25/22CoDAthon Christmas Day Internet & Phone Meetingshttps://www.codependents.org/codathon.2022.12.25.22.pdf 12/31/22CoDAthon New Year's Eve Internet & Phone Meetingshttps://www.codependents.org/codathon.2022.12.31.22.pdf 1/1/23CoDAthon New Year's Day Internet & Phone Meetingshttps://www.codependents.org/codathon.2022.1.01.23.pdf 1/13/2023 - 1/15/2023 Fri-SundaySouth Caro ...Continue Reading
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