Seeking Meetings To Host CoDAthon Meetings For The December 2023 Holidays

From: "CoDA Group Representative List" <>
Date: December 1st 2023

Dear Meeting Contacts,

Thank you to all the meetings who sponsored Thanksgiving CoDAthon meetings. I believe we had 24 hour coverage, & it is much appreciated!
Today, I'm writing to ask if any meetings would be up for any time slot(s) during the 48 hours of Christmas and/or the 48 hours of New Year's. We especially have a need at this time for New Year's day after 1 PM Pacific on New Year's Day, after 8 PM Pacific on New Year's Eve, & late night/middle of the night meetings on all 4 days; though we will gratefully accept all offers from CoDA meetings for any time on the 4 days. We will likely have enough participation to justify multiple meetings going at once.
BTW, if you attended or sponsored a Thanksgiving meeting, we would be very interested in feedback regarding your experience.

For those who are not aware, a "CoDAthon" is a series of non-stop 24 and 48 hour meetings during the holidays, especially geared towards the Co-Dependent who still suffers. It's especially helpful for those without family or those who would benefit from additional support during the holiday season. The idea originated decades ago in at least one other 12 step group. 3 of the CoDA alt meetings started doing similar fairly early this century. The last several years, these meetings have been made available to the entire fellowship. They are offered Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve & Day; and New Year's Eve & Day. They are available worldwide.

Through 2021, 3 of the alt meetings were sponsoring these meetings by themselves. In 2022, we opened it up to all the internet & phone meetings, & had a great success.

We are writing to ask if your meeting would be willing to sponsor a CoDAthon meeting this year, even for just one slot on one of the 4 days. If your meeting is willing, you can pick your day (s) & time slot (s). And of course, the more meetings, the better!

It requires that the sponsoring meeting has an internet based video or phone account & that we can share the log in information & a contact email with the fellowship. Other than that, a meeting willing to sponsor this valuable service would hopefully provide a facilitator or meeting chair for each time slot that you choose. Meetings would be run like a standard CoDA meeting, with the required readings.

If your meeting is interested, (or if you have any questions), we would need meeting day, time, (USA Pacific Standard Time), public meeting contact and log in information for the CoDA fellowship. If your home meeting or intergroup is interested in participating in this important service work please either respond to this email or email

In Service,

Geff R


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Thank you & we look forward to being able to communicate directly with your CoDA meeting!

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