According to our records, you may have been a past delegate to the CoDA Service Conference (CSC). We would like to invite you to attend the delegate Relations Task Force. If you are not already on the Delegate Relations Task force, & would like to be or would like information, please email & you will be added to the email list.
My error, there was supposed to be more in this email:
At the CoDA Service Conference, CSC, in August of 2022, a motion was passed to create a new task force, “Delegate Relations Task Force” (DRTF). We have been working since then and are planning to return to CSC 2023 with a motion to become a standing committee.
At this point, we could really use some new and renewed participation in order to take some concrete actions in a few specific areas and be able to present a motion in July highlighting our progress.
The workgroup areas we are focused on are: • Communication • Mission Statement • Delegate engagement
So, who can be on the task force and join these Workgroups? • Past Delegates • New Delegates • Committee Chairs • Intergroup Chairs
Our goal is to improve Communication between world committees, and intergroups. We know this will be an on-going process and, will require improving current intergroup lists to ensure communications from the task force reach all those that will benefit from our activities. We hope this will aid in all communication from meetings to the Board. Eventually, as a standing committee, we will have our own web page on the CoDA website as another communication resource.
A couple of members have developed a draft Mission Statement that is quite ambitious in some ways, and not yet precise in others. We need to bring together a Mission Statement Workgroup to work at brainstorming and prioritizing our goals. Additionally, we need to create a Policies and Procedures manual that reflects our mission.
Our last major focus is Delegate engagement. We would like to better understand the needs of delegates, and address ways the delegates can be served while doing service. This purpose will be addressed by a Delegate Engagement Workgroup. Members of this Workgroup will identify projects that will provide information, support and encouragement, for delegates and those considering the position. This is certainly important for new delegates, but also for continuing delegates who have already attended a CSC, and intergroup meetings and are looking for experience, strength, and hope.
Whether or not you have previously attended any of our meetings we hope you will consider joining our team, and supporting our “Workgroups”. Select one that you feel passionate about, and come join this very exciting task force. Each workgroup will have its own meeting time for brainstorming sessions.
We are focused on making real progress toward the realization of a “Delegate Relations Committee”, but we need more participants to share in the process. Please reply to if interested.
Debra D., OR Delegate
Thank you very much to our CoDA trusted servants who signed up for this email list!
Our hope is that Group Reps will share these messages with their home meetings, and that intergroup members will share them with each other as well as their meetings.
This mailing list is announce-only.
This is a list for CoDA Group Representatives. Through it, CoDA World will occasionally send announcements to meeting representatives. When your service as meeting contact expires, please remind the new contact person to sign up for this list.
To update your meeting's registration, please go to:
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Thank you & we look forward to being able to communicate directly with your CoDA meeting!
Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.