CoDA Group Representative List: Service Conference Motions Are Out!

From: "CoDA Group Representative List" <>
Date: June 11th 2022

Hi to our Trusted Servants!

First, we wanted to  let you know that all of the on time CoDA Service Conference (CSC) motions are out.

You can download them in 1 Zip file here: . This link will be good with any & all motions updates through conference.

Many are also already available on the website; the rest will be up soon if you prefer to download 1 at a time:

CoDA World Service would greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to share this information with your meetings so they are able to create a Group Conscience (GC) on how they would like their delegates to vote & inform the delegates of those GC's.

CSC FAQ's are available here:

There are 2 other things to mention regarding your delegates. Per the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) quoted below, we ask that our valued delegates help the meetings in their Voting Entity (VE) to find the motions on the CoDA Website, encourage each meeting &/or member to read them & for each meeting (that is willing) to inform the delegate(s) how they would like them to vote; & that the delegates follow that Group Conscience (GC) where possible.

"The primary purpose of the Delegates is to facilitate communication between the VE and the CSC. The Delegate is a conduit between CoDA World and their local communities. An important part of this communication is the gathering and distributing by the Delegates of the CSC Motions and VE Issues to be addressed at CSC to acquire group conscience decisions from their VE membership as to how they should vote."


And how to determine if your CoDA Area has a recognized & vetted Voting Entity (also from the FSM)

"A Voting Entity (VE) is a level of Fellowship within CoDA that handles the business aspects for a group typically made up of two or more Intergroups/CSGs and/or Meetings. An Intergroup/CSG may serve as a Voting Entity if decided by group conscience when it is the only Intergroup/CSG within a VE. The Voting Entity organization provides a bridge between Intergroups/CSGs, and CoDA World"

"The process of electing trusted servants begins with the group meeting. Each home group meeting may select a group service representative (GSR) to represent that group at Intergroup. The Intergroup (community, area, country, state, regional) elects delegates to represent them at CoDA meetings. The GSR carries the group conscience of the home group meeting to Intergroup. Intergroup holds a group conscience and decides whether the item will proceed to CoDA, or the next level.

At the Country, State and Regional or other Voting Entity levels, group and community representatives select trusted servants to serve the members of that Voting Entity. Group representatives also select Delegates to represent them and carry their group conscience to the CoDA Service Conference, which is held annually. Each Voting Entity may send two Delegates to this Conference, which is the annual business meeting of CoDA. At the CoDA Service Conference, Delegates carry the group conscience of those they represent. Delegates also work together to make decisions dealing with CoDA, and select trusted servants who will serve our Fellowship"

If you have questions on whether your state, country, or area currently has a VE, please email or Delegates who register without representing a recognized VE may have their delegate status removed.

If you have any additional specific questions, please send a message to Chris J at . Please include the word "CoDA" and/or "CSC 2022",


In Service,

Your CSC Prep Committee

Thank you very much to our CoDA trusted servants who signed up for this email list!


Our hope is that Group Reps will share these messages with their home meetings, and that intergroup members will share them with each other as well as their meetings.


  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

This is a list for CoDA Group Representatives. Through it, CoDA World will occasionally send announcements to meeting representatives. When your service as meeting contact expires, please remind the new contact person to sign up for this list.

To update your meeting's registration, please go to:

or email

Thank you & we look forward to being able to communicate directly with your CoDA meeting!

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Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.