CoDA Group Representative List: Update for Virtual CoDA Service Conference 2020

From: "CoDA Group Representative List" <>
Date: July 25th 2020


Announcement Update for Virtual CoDA Service Conference (CSC) 2020
Monday, August 24- Wednesday, August 26- 11:00 AM EDT to 4:30 PM EDT
We welcome all to our first Virtual ONLY CoDA Service Conference in 2020. World CoDA cares about the health and wellbeing of our Trusted Servants and Fellowship members. We are under extraordinary circumstances and we continue to adapt. The CoDA Events Committee in consultation with the CoDA Board of Trustees will be offering new guidelines and boundaries for our Virtual CoDA Service Conference. We ask all to participate with "flexible collaboration". Here are the latest updates and announcements to help you prepare for our upcoming conference.
TIMING: We have adapted our schedule to be held over 3 days for approximately 5.5 hours per day. The time will start at 11:00 am EDT and end at 4:30 pm EDT. We have scheduled intermittent breaks and a thirty minute lunch. We will also have an orientation on Sunday, August 23rd 2- 4 pm EST, in addition to multiple practice sessions prior to the event. If you have not attended any of the last few practice sessions prior to our orientation, then it is mandatory that you attend this Delegate/ Trusted Servant orientation.
OBSERVERS: Members of the Fellowship who wish to attend but are not a voting member or a committee member will be able to view the CoDA Service Conference via Live stream uploaded to You Tube. In order to gain access, the Observer must register first through the Eventbrite registration link. If you have registered, then you will receive an email containing a link to an un-published YouTube Live Steam when the conference begins .
DELEGATES: Please register on Eventbrite as a Delegate or Alternate Delegate and contact to get full instructions for your participation. Please register with a verifiable email address as this will be the main form of communication with you. All registrants will recieve a Zoom invite by email a few days before the virtual CoDA Service Conference. There will be a few practice sessions offered prior to the conference which are important to familiarize yourselves with the ZOOM features and allow time to make adjustments so that you may participate fully. Registration will also be required to join the Zoom meetings. We ask when you register that you use your correct name -First name and last initial only and the VE that you represent along with a verifiable email address.
Our next practice dates will be Thursday, July 16th, 7PM EDT and Friday, July 31, 4:30 pm EDT. We will also have an orientation and practice session on Sunday August 23, 2PM EDT- 4pm EDT. A few more practices,TBD, will be scheduled in between these dates.
VOTING ENTITY REPORTS: We encourage ALL Voting Entities to submit a written report or power point to be included in the Delegate package on the website prior to the start of CSC. However, due to time constraints there will be NO Voting Entity Reports presented during the business conference. Please email to
CHAIRS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS: All Chairs and Committee members who wish to join CSC must register as such through Eventbrite. All Chairs will be given an invite to attend the Zoom meeting. All Chairs have voice at conference but DO NOT VOTE. When a voting poll pops up on your screen during the CSC, PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND. We will be sending out helpful instructions for all participating members as we get closer. You are also invited to all the practice sessions as listed above for the Delegates.
All other committee members may also be given a link to attend the CSC but will NOT be allowed VOICE OR VOTE unless expressly given by the CSC on the floor. If a committee has motions for presentation, all members of that committee are allowed voice during their presentation only.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Committee reports, motions, goals and budgets are due in writing or power point by July 25, which then will be uploaded to the Delegate package. However, due to time constraints, there will be NO Committee reports presented during the business conference. There is a scheduled block of time, during the CSC, for committee motions submitted in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Fellowship Manual for motions submitted "on time".
LATE MOTIONS, TABLED MOTIONS, OLD or NEW BUSINESS: Unfortunately, due to time constraints, working within the context of a virtual only conference, the CoDA Board has decided that all late motions, tabled motions, old or new business will not be given time this year. All motions may be presented in 2021 following the procedure for submitting motions "on time" for CSC 2021.
We hope to have a great virtual conference this year despite the pandemic crisis. As we approach closer to our event, there will be more announcements, updates, instructions posted. Please contact if you have any further questions.

Thank you very much to our CoDA trusted servants who signed up for this email list!

Our hope is that Group Reps will share these messages with their home meetings, and that intergroup members will share them with each other as well as their meetings.

  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

This is a list for CoDA Group Representatives. Through it, CoDA World will occasionally send announcements to meeting representatives. When your service as meeting contact expires, please remind the new contact person to sign up for this list.

To update your meeting's registration, please go to:

or email

Thank you & we look forward to being able to communicate directly with your CoDA meeting!

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Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.