CoDA Group Representative List: CoDA Service Conference & Convention Postponed

From: "CoDA Group Representative List" <>
Date: April 25th 2020


Due to the Novel Coronavirus pandemic, after careful consultation with the Events Chair the Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) Board members have decided to postpone indefinitely the July 19-23, 2020 International CoDA Convention and CoDA Service Conference (ICC/CSC).
We are exploring other possibilities for holding a virtual ICC and Conference. We will advise you of that decision as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation,
CoDA Board of Trustees

Thank you very much to our CoDA trusted servants who signed up for this email list!

Our hope is that Group Reps will share these messages with their home meetings, and that intergroup members will share them with each other as well as their meetings.


  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

This is a list for CoDA Group Representatives. Through it, CoDA World will occasionally send announcements to meeting representatives. When your service as meeting contact expires, please remind the new contact person to sign up for this list.

To update your meeting's registration, please go to:

or email

Thank you & we look forward to being able to communicate directly with your CoDA meeting!

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Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.