2023 CoDA Fellowship Service Manual Is Now Available!

From: "CoDA Announcements" <codalist@codependents.org>
Date: March 15th 2024

Good afternoon, Fellowship The 2023 Fellowship Service Manual, FSM, is now posted and available on coda.org https://coda.org/service-info/fellowship-services-manual-fsm/

Many may remember that we lost the Service Structure Committee, SSC, 2 years ago when they requested to disband at the 2022 CoDA Service Conference, CSC. SSC was responsible for FSM updates.

Since then, the Board has been tasked with this role. We have a Fellowship Service Worker, FSW, doing the work of an entire committee, and the Board proofs and approves all changes/updates that are a result of motions passed during the previous CSC.

Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to develop our process

Best to you all,
The Board of Trustees

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Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.

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