CoDA Board Minutes 5/6/23

From: "CoDA Announcements" <>
Date: July 24th 2023


CoDA, Inc. Board of Trustees

May 6th, 2023

Starting 8:06 am PDT

Attendance and order of Round Robin - Barbara, Joe, Lisa, Tina, Yaniv (arrived at 9:16 am PDT), (Chairs Forum representative [Rosa S. CoDAteen Chair]), Gail

Absent: Katherine, Steve, Faith, Florence

Yaniv arrived at 9:16 am PDT


Tina (Board Alternate #2) voted in this meeting on behalf of Katherine



Motions via email or Executive Session:


  • 03-04-23 Public Board Meeting Minutes:

MOTION to approve: Gail    2nd: Florence Vote: Unanimous

  • 03-04-23 Executive Board Meeting Minutes:

MOTION to approve: Gail    2nd: Florence Vote: Unanimous

  • 04-01-23 Public Board Meeting Minutes:
    MOTION to approve: Gail    2nd: Katherine           Vote: Unanimous

  • 04-01-2023 Board Executive Meeting Minutes:
    MOTION to approve: Gail    2nd: Barbara   Vote: Unanimous

  • CoDA Board F2F Hybrid - Atlanta, GA Minutes - March 24 & 25, 2023
    MOTION to approve: Gail    2nd: Barbara             Vote: Unanimous

  • MOTION: to authorize interpretation for CoDAteen committee meetings up to $400 per session to meet once or twice per month as needed

and for the Chairs Forum to meet once per month.  Total not to exceed $1200/month (maximum 3 sessions at $400 per month). This replaces Board motions:  21089 and 21100

INTENT: CoDAteen is asking for extra time for interpretation to get ready for CSC.  Gail, Barbara and I reviewed the previous Board motions and determined that we needed to ask for a new motion for Chairs Forum and CoDAteen as interpretation needs have changed

Motion to approve started via email on April 19th
Motion by Florence, 2nd by Gail
Unanimous on May 3rd via email

  • Quarterly Service Report (QSR) Q1, 2023:

MOTION to approve: Gail,  2nd Barbara VOTE: Unanimous


May Treasurer’s Report:


JP Morgan Chase Checking$19,235.23
JP Morgan Chase Savings$220,502.00
National Bank of Arizona$100,972.05
Wells Fargo Savings$200,938.12
Total Assets$541,647.40

MOTION TO APPROVE: Above Consent Agenda.

Moved: Barbara         Second: Joe    Vote: Yes: Unanimous


Motions started via email:


  • Fellowship Service Manual (FSM):

    Motion to approve started via email on May 3rd with the following correction as an amendment: In FSM part 2--  the policy for outside literature is repeated twice----  I don't know if it was already in there and we added a duplication or if it's a mistake.  Scroll down from where we inserted the new motion and you will see the policy on outside literature repeated.
    Motion by Gail, 2nd by Lisa:
    Yes: thus far via email: Yaniv
    Meeting Vote Yes: Unanimous

In FSM part 2--  the policy for outside literature is repeated twice----  I don't know if it was already there and we added a duplication or if it's a mistake.  Scroll down from where we inserted the new motion and you will see the policy on outside literature repeated.

Action Item: Gail to send email to Katherine and FSW with motion approved with listed correction

Action Item: Future - Web Liaison will send final corrected FSM to the webmaster for posting.

  • Motion: Final Approval for New Translation Management Agreements

    Motion to approve started via email on May 2nd:
    Motion by Katherine, 2nd by Lisa
    Yes: thus far via email: Yaniv, Tina (alternate),

Continue via email - one needs a final look from the attorney


  • MOTION TO APPROVE: 4/22/23 Special Board Workgroup Minutes

    Motion to approve started via email on April 30th:
    Motion by Lisa, 2nd by Barbara
    Yes: thus far via email: Gail, Joe, Yaniv, Steve (1st alternate)

New Motion to approve  4/22/23 Special Board Workgroup Minutes
Vote: Unanimous


  • MOTION TO APPROVE: 4/16/23 Board Workgroup Minutes

    Motion to approve started via email on April 30th
    Motion by Lisa, 2nd by Barbara (with suggestions given on document)
    Yes: thus far via email: Gail (noting no adjourn details), Yaniv, Florence, Joe

New Motion to Approve: 4/16/23 Board Workgroup Minutes

Vote: Unanimous


WEBSITE update - issues being worked on:

  • Website:  Nothing new at this time.
  • Meeting Search Issues:  No recent complaints.
  • Meeting updates:  Still seem to be a little behind on meeting updates but I think we are close to catching up. We are working with the website programer with technical issues with meeting updates being sent to our Fellowship Service Worker (FSW)
  • Spanish logos to be uploaded to the website at:    Update: In process
  • CoDAteen+/ webpage:  We have a mock up and the CoDAteen committee has reviewed it and suggested changes.  Need to schedule another meeting with the web designer to go over the suggestions.-- We met and the web designer sent a second mock up.  We were supposed to meet this week but could not find a convenient time for everyone.


2023 CoDA Service Conference (CSC) Prep group:

Board Liaison: Lisa

Report: The group is doing well. We are working with a spreadsheet that lists everything that needs to get done, who is responsible, who needs to be notified, etc. We are conducting a group inventory during the last 20 minutes of each meeting.





  • Delegates Relations Task Force
    Board Liaison: Katherine, Backup: Tina

    Update: They put together their mission statement. They are preparing a motion to become a committee

  • Alternate Format Meeting Task Force (AFMTF) COMPLETE
    Former Board Liaisons: Florence, Backup: Gail

    Update: Great news! This Task Force has been dissolved because it served its purpose which was to assist AFMs to properly form a recognized Voting Entity (VE) enabling them to send two delegates to the 2023 conference. The Voting Entity Liaison (VEL) was amazing, assisting them through their process, including the creation of their Bylaws.


  • Gender Inclusive Language Task Force ( :
    Board Liaison: Lisa, Backup: Faith

    Update: We had some difficulty scheduling our second meeting. Available days are Tuesday and Friday. We hope the next meeting will happen in the next couple of weeks.


April Executive and Workgroup sessions topic summary:

  • CoDA meeting issues:
  • Board Strategic Plan review
  • "insure" vs. "ensure" in FSM and the Bylaws.
  • CoDA Service Conference (CSC) Prep group/process
  • Website meeting updates
  • Hospitals & Institutions FSW
  • AA Steps and Traditions in our literature
  • Legal Liaison updates
  • 3x3 meeting with one of our CoDA committees
  • Step Study meeting category on the Search for Meetings
  • Board CSC motions discussed
  • Policy & Procedure Manual updates
  • Website updates: Board page(s)
  • Voting Rights of Board Members at CSC
  • MS365 Accounts for the Voting Entity Liaison (VEL) and Meeting Fellowship Service Worker (FSW)
  • Audio Visual contract for CSC 2023
  • Board Group Inventory






Having the postal address on the form shows they can mail it in, but mail is picked up every 2 weeks; could be missed. Must need to be online to fill it out and send it.

Change the requirements to be online, access to the internet, etc.

Need have computer to do the work

Ok to remove address as long as board email address is there

Motion: Barbara moves to accept the revised Board Application 5/6/2023. Second: Gail

Vote: Unanimous

Action Item: Gail & Lisa will Revise board requirements - must have access to internet, computer, etc. Affects FSM & Board web pages


Action Item: Lisa will send the revised board application to Connie to make it a fillable PDF.


Action Item: Lisa will send the fillable PDF Board application to the web liaison for posting.


From Observer discussions:

Action Item: Discuss adding a link to the Board application to find the board requirements


Action Item: In our FSM, part 2, pg 21 - service to others: refers to page 85, should be page 87.



  • CoDA CSC 2023: 2 Motions from NorCal CoDA (NCC) VE:
    To immediately give committee chairs voice & vote and to immediately give committee members voice (not vote) during the 2023 CoDA Service Conference (CSC).
    #2 To give committee chairs permanent voice & vote and to give committee members permanent voice (not vote)
    during all future CoDA Service Conferences (CSC).



In favor of the motions

Still the same process this year; the first motion is not necessary. 2nd motion will be important to make it affect the future.

Combine into one motion. one and done.

Sending an email to the group asking for one motion - GC all in favor

Action Item: Barbara will send an email to NorCal about voice/vote for chairs at CSC 2023 and future; it will come to the Board first for review.


Next Public Board Meeting – June 3rd, 2023 @ 8 AM Pacific (1st Sat of month)


Next Workgroup Meeting: May 21st, 2022 @ 9 AM Pacific (3rd Sunday of  month)


Serenity Prayer: 9:21 am PDT

Move to Executive Session

2019-2023 minutes:

The preceding message was from The CoDA Board Of Trustees,


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  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
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We will be sending out regular emails with CoDA events, announcements, issues & CoDA business of interest to both specific regions & to the entire CoDA fellowship.

Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.

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