CoDA, Inc. Board of Trustees
February 20th, 2022
Face2Face Workgroup Minutes
Day/Time: Sunday - 8 to 9:30 am Pacific Time
(Please adjust for your time zone)
Attendance and order of Round Robin - Barbara, Faith, Florence, Katherine, Gail
Absent: Joe, Yaniv.
MOTION to approve Minutes for Public Board Meeting on February 5th, 2022
- update - updates by Web Liaison:
- Meeting Search Issues (Time Zone Strategy):
IntersectionOnLine (Website developer) proposed
1) After search, default to current time/day at top of list.
2) TIME OF DAY filter: It is currently returning results based on the meetings time/timezone set in the meeting record (which is causing inaccuracies in meeting results), and we need it to return results based on the converted meeting time instead.
3) DAY filter: It is currently returning results based on the meetings time/timezone set in the meeting record (which is causing inaccuracies in meeting results), and we need it to return results based on the converted meeting day instead
The current meeting result / filter framework does not lend itself to all of these objectives, so as a solution we would like to refactor the current filters in a modern more advanced and flexible framework called vuejs. The benefits of this change will go far beyond just these improvements. The new framework will process and return results much faster - whereas it currently takes several seconds to process a filter, the new filters will return results in split seconds. It will also be cheaper to maintain and will allow us to be more creative and open to our imagination, for example offering users prompts like "This meeting will start in 2 hours" and ideas we haven't thought of yet. It will be much cheaper to maintain and solve all of the problems while retaining all existing features and functionality including:
Mobile meeting results tables
Timezone converter Results Filters
Export/Print Meetings List
As a courtesy to CoDA and because we dare not continue hacking the current solution, we would waive project management and testing on this project, which would take the anticipated total cost investment down from $1,274 to $985.00 for these changes (based on our special non-profit rate $70 - our usual rate if $85).
MOTION to authorize IntersectionOnLine to modernize our meeting search framework at a cost not to exceed $1000.00.
Moved: Barbara, Second:Gail , Vote: Unanimous.
- F2F/Hybrid meetings:
Discussion. Move forward with IntersectionOnLine’s suggestion.
- Member Resources page: Working on re-design.
No update as of this meeting.
- Site map for website: Trying to determine what route to use for this, need someone who has access to the old website to look at the previous sitemap.
Meeting status “closed”. No description of “closed”in current FSM.
Figure out what “closed” means. Seek out old FSM’s to find the old definition.
Legal Liaison:
- site seems to have several CoDA materials offered for free.
Update: Attorney took care of this. - Copyright agreement for outside publications:
Renamed: Audio Visual Release Form, V4. Modifications: add some explanation under the copyright section. Take the NO option out and send to Board for review before sending to attorney - Copyright updates needed for the two recent updated works:
Making Choices and the Newcomer's Handbook, due to both having significant revisions.
1) Need the new originals of Making Choices and the Newcomer's Handbook from Literature Committee, in Word and/or PDF Format.
2) File the original in Dropbox.
- Translation Management Committee (TMC) : At CSC 2022 they will bring a motion, update the Fellowship, and motion to dissolve TMC. 1st, 3rd and 4th Thursday for an hour a day, start teaching new Fellowship Service Worker (FSW) everything, so she can take over. FSW will need to have access to the Dropbox. FSW and Association Management Company to work together.
- Fellowship Service Manual updates: New FSW to be trained to do this.
- Literature Committee (CLC): Request for funding to hire a professional editor as a special worker to assist CLC. Needs more discussion.
- Meeting app: Approach IntersectionOnLine to work on this.
- Potential CSC Motion 2022: Board Actions Taken on Motions that Do Not Attain 2/3 Majority.
- EMail from SPO: Violation of several of our Traditions by a registered group:
Draft email for Board review, stating that the Board will not list this meeting on our website, including the reasoning. Once approved, send email to SPO with permission for them to forward to CoDA Mexico. Meeting FSW to be advised.
- Trademark Infringing Site?:
GC, no issue with this website.
Russia translation request update: In process.
- TMC has 2 questions for our attorney: “can we add “interpretation”” to the current translation agreement. Also ask specifically, if we have recordings that persons are offering to interpret, do they need to also sign an agreement?
- Chairs Forum: to email us any releases that they may be using currently.
Next Public Board Meeting – March 5th, 2022 (1st Sat of month)
Strategic planning meeting – March 13, 2022 (2nd Sunday of month) (Florence working)
Next Workgroup Meeting – March 20th, 2022 (4rd Sunday of month)
2019-2021 minutes:
The preceding message was from The CoDA Board Of Trustees,
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