Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.
Board of Trustees Minutes
December 5, 2020
The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, December 5th by videoconference.
Members in attendance included: Nancy O./Canada, Gail S./Nevada, Barbara D/NorCal, Faith J./Canada, Joe/Guatemala, Matt T./Texas, Don B./SoCal, Greg B/Minnesota
Guests: KaGa - Virginia, Rob O - Boston, Ruth - LA, Terry D – Connecticut, Hamid – Iran, Claus
Motion 1 - Approve to expand the Events Zoom account for one month at a cost of $70-$100 to allow more participants to attend the Nov. 21, 2020 ICC.
Motion 2 - Move to accept the revised Nov. 7, 2020 Public Board Meeting Minutes
Motion 3 - To approve the two Invoices from the Spanish FSW dated Nov. 13, 2020 in the amounts of $144.00 for Announcements and $432.00 for creation of the web page on for a total of $576.00. This covers work performed between October 17, 2020 to November 2, 2020.
Motion 4 - Move that the revised 3rd Quarter, 2020 Quarterly Service Report be approved for publication on the website and to be shared with the Fellowship.
Motion 5 - Move to accept Revision 11 of the “Fellowship Service Worker as an Independent Contractor Agreement” as the TEMPLATE for use with our Fellowship Service Workers. This TEMPLATE will include the current $24/hr rate of pay and is to be placed in the CoDA Dropbox for use with all FSWs. Also move, that we replace the Independent Contractor Agreement SAMPLE in Section 8 of the P&P on pages 180-185 with the attached revised document, without “Fellowship Service Worker” in the title and without the rate of pay.
Motion 6 - Move to approve 1.25 hrs work @$70/hr = $87.50 to have the website developers troubleshoot and resolve a website meeting search and accessibility problem caused by an updated plugin that was replaced on Nov. 5 and that resolved the problem.
Treasurer’s report/Financials
JP Morgan Chase Checking: $ 235,418.40
JP Morgan Chase Savings: $ 120,350.99
National Bank of Arizona: $ 100,645.36
Total Assets: $ 456,414.75
Motion: To Accept Consent Agenda – Moved: Don Seconded: Barbara, Passed Unanimously
Motion: The Board authorizes the Treasurer to contact Chase Bank and National Bank of Arizona to remove Conni Ingallina from the Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc. bank accounts and to add Gail Selter. Moved: Barbara, Seconded: Don, Passed Unanimously
CoDA Trademark Registration Renewals – The board discussed the CoDA Trademarks that are renewable every 10 years coming due in 2021 and that had not been budgeted for. Motion: Move that we pay the TM Registrations due in 2021 and that we modify the 2021 budget to add a line for TM Registration costs due every 10 years, amounts to be determined. Moved: Barbara, Seconded: Faith, Passed Unanimously
AMC Transition Update
Next Public Board Meeting – January 9, 2020 at 8:00 am Pacific Next Workgroup Meeting - December 12, 2020 at 7 am Pacific
The preceding message was from The CoDA Board Of Trustees,
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If you wish more information by phone, please call (888) 444-2359 {Toll free} or (602) 277-7991
For Spanish inquiries you may email or call (888) 444-2379 {Spanish toll free}.
This mailing list is announce-only.
The purpose of this list is to share information with any & all CoDA members, especially that which may effect CoDA as a whole.
We will be sending out regular emails with CoDA events, announcements, issues & CoDA business of interest to both specific regions & to the entire CoDA fellowship.
Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.
Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.