The Communications Committee of
Co-Dependents Anonymous
invites you to a monthly online
Fellowship Forum
Saturday, September 29th, 2023 at Noon, Pacific Daylight Time
Topic: The "I" version of the "Recovery Patterns of Codependence" document.
Meeting ID: 997 1221 0733
+16465588656,,99712210733# US (New York)
+13126266799,,99712210733# US (Chicago)
WHEN: Typically the last Saturday of the month
TIME: Noon, Pacific Time / 3pm Eastern Time, 4pm Atlantic Time
Duration: 1 hour, followed by open “fellowship” for questions or comments. The open fellowship is not recorded
In service,
CoDA Communications Committee
This mailing list is announce-only.
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Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.