The Board of Trustees of
Co-Dependents Anonymous
invites you to a monthly online
Fellowship Forum
Saturday, February 27th, 2021 at noon, Pacific Time
Let's Talk About: 2021: Year Of Service
WHEN: Typically Last Saturday of the month
TIME: Noon, Pacific Time / 3pm Eastern Time, 4pm Atlantic Time
Duration: 1 hour, followed by open “fellowship” for questions or comments. Coffee hour is not recorded
2021: CoDA's Year Of Service
At The 2020 Service Conference, A Motion was passed to declare 2021 the "Year Of Service".
Did you know that most CoDA members are welcome in joining a committee at the world level? * It's a great way to give back and for you to make a difference!
Some have personally found doing service to be a great way to learn to set boundaries and say no when we need or want to. Especially early on, some need to learn what limits are, and service in CoDA is a great way to practice in a safe environment. It’s also an excellent way to learn about the 12 Traditions, make new friends in recovery, practice the 3rd tradition by actively coming to consensus & group conscience in a healthy and respectful manner, learn how to encourage & participate in building a healthy consensus, and help to insure CoDA’s continued health and presence - and to just plain enjoy some fun & fellowship!
Interested? Here's a list of World Service options with brief descriptions. Please email any committee you are potentially interested in joining with any questions!
* CoDA Board of Trustees - Handles The Business Of CoDA
CoRe Board of Trustees - Publishes and Distributes CoDA Approved Literature
Communications Committee - Focus on encouraging 2 way Communications between the fellowship & CoDA World Service comm@PROTECTED
Communications Subcommittees:
CoDA Email Team - Answers CoDA Questions submitted by email
C-Phone - as above but responds to phone calls
Co-NNections Committee - Publishes Articles from members wishing to share their experience and hope. Both by email, and with a quarterly "Meetings In Print"
Events Committee - Plans CoDA’s Service Conference (CSC) and International Convention
Finance Committee - Establishes Fiscal Policy. If you're good with numbers, this is the place for you!
Hospital & Institutions Committee (H&I) - Carries CoDA’s message to Hospitals & Institutions
* Issues & Mediation Committee (IMC) - Mediates disputes in CoDA. Monitors Voting Entity Issues (VEI’s).
Outreach Committee - Works to carry the message to codependents who still suffer
Spanish Outreach Committee (SPO) - Answers Spanish Questions via email
and serves the CoDA Spanish Community
Service Structure Committee (SSC) - Supports and maintains CoDA’s foundational documents
Translation Management Committee (TMC) - Works with organizations translating CoDA literature into other languages.
World Connections Committee (WCC) - support and encourage other countries/voting entities in CoDA development and growth.
* A few committees have specific requirements; & some have minimum time in CoDA requirements
Please don't hesitate to email any committee that you are interested in joining!
This mailing list is announce-only.
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Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.