CoDA Weekly Reading 11/22/22

From: "CoDA Weekly Reading" <>
Date: November 22nd 2022

Soul Gardening with Steps Four through Seven

I enjoy growing plants in various sized pots. In order to make these plants flourish and produce new growth, removing dead leaves and flower blooms is a must. When I do, new leaves and flowers later appear. One day as I was doing this pruning, it occurred to me that this is similar to doing Steps Four through Seven.

When I identify the characteristics that no longer are working in my life, and share with myself, God, and another human being, then I begin to prune my life. In Step Six I become willing to let them go and be replaced with a better modification of that shortcoming. Then in Step Seven, I humbly ask my Higher Power to remove them and let new growth come into my life.

As in gardening, I do not make the new leaves and flowers. I just pave the way for change through courage, integrity, willingness, and humility. The God of my understanding does the real work. I am just the gardener of my soul.

Sandy B 09/15/2022



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