CoDA Hospitals & Institutions: H&I Lights Newsletter #9

From: "CoDA Hospital & Institution Information Contact List:" <hosp@PROTECTED>
Date: July 20th 2023

 H&I Lights Newsletter


of the Hospitals & Institutions Committee of CoDA  


Beam 9    July, 2023       

Have you ever been stuck?

How did you feel when you got unstuck?  Sharing the message of CoDA with residents of institutions often brings new freedom to them.

“I really am grateful & hopeful to what I have learned & how it’s going to affect my life, my relationships w/family, children, friends, & how important it is to be able to pass this on to generations after me.”  

From an inmate in California expressing her gratitude for CoDA groups in her prison.

What does H&I do?

 The CoDA Hospitals & Institutions Committee never runs meetings in prisons, rehab facilities, or jails. It helps and supports CoDA members who care to do the footwork. We encourage and equip trusted servants who want to take the message of CoDA recovery to people who are stuck in places where they need to have the message brought to them.  We do this by helping get CoDA literature to those places, corresponding with those who write to us, providing information for holding meetings in institutions, helping to find sponsors for those who want to work their program.

Did you know?  We cannot do this without you.

 CoDA meetings can be found in some prisons, mental health facilities, hospitals, woman’s shelters, etc. after grateful members of CoDA carry the message to those still suffering, or the residents reach out to H&I for resources to start a meeting. Those inside facilities hear about CoDA from fellow residents, family members, and counselors, finding CoDA literature there, and from CoDA members who take the message of recovery from codependency there.    Opportunities for service:  

There are many. If you want more information, contact the H&I committee after you look at our web pages at .

Or check out the Hospitals and Institutions Service Handbook on the CoDA website the H&I webpage under “Service Info” on for more opportunities.  


  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

This list is for CoDA members who are H & I (Hospital and Institutions) contacts for their region or group. The purpose to send information regarding H & I service opportunities and resources from the H & I Committee and then for the contacts to share that information with their Intergroup or local meetings. Individual members may also be part of the list in order find out more about H & I service.

We appreciate your participation.


The Hospitals and Institutions Committee, Codependents Anonymous, Inc.

Privacy Policy:

Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.