A "CoDAthon" is a series of non-stop 24 and 48 hour meetings during the holidays, especially geared towards the Co-Dependent who still suffers. It's especially helpful for those without family or those who would benefit from additional support during the holiday season. The idea originated decades ago in at least one other Twelve Step Group. Meetings are offered Thanksgiving Day (November 28th), Christmas Eve (December 24th) & Day (December 25th); and New Year's Eve (December 31st) & New Year's Day (January 1st). They are available world wide.
Below you will see the Thanksgiving schedule as of 11/11/24, & at this link you will see the complete schedule. Please save the link as it will be frequently updated.
We are also writing to ask if your meeting would be willing to sponsor a CoDAthon meeting this year, even for just one slot on one of the 5 days. If your meeting is willing, you can pick your day (s) & time slot (s). And of course, the more meetings, the better!
It requires that the sponsoring meeting has an internet based video or phone account & that we can share the log in information & a contact email with the fellowship. Other than that, a meeting willing to sponsor this valuable service would hopefully provide a facilitator or meeting chair for each time slot that you choose. Meetings would be run like a standard CoDA meeting, with the required readings.
If your meeting is interested, (or if you have any questions), we would need meeting day, time, (USA Pacific Standard Time), public meeting contact and log in information for the CoDA fellowship. If your home meeting or intergroup is interested in paticipating in this important service work please either respond to this email or email codathon@coda.org
Time Zone Convertor:
Midnight- 2:00 AM Pacific Standard Time
New Awakenings Group
Just open your Zoom Client, or Download here:
ZoomID 849 2050 2905
Passcode 064047
Frank coda.awakenings.secretary24@gmail.com
6:00 AM – 7:30 AM Pacific Standard Time
Sunday Night Book Study Group
Zoom Id: 255-504-3602 (Just open your Zoom Client, or Download here:
Contact Karen D specialk2102@gmail.com
6:00 AM – 9:00 AM Pacific Standard Time
Zoom Id: 557 840 2815 PASSCODE: 0000 (Just open your Zoom Client, or Download here:
Contact Nikki 1-613-447-1668 or Lee 1-479-431-9631 hp4coda@gmail.com
7 AM Pacific Standard Time
CoDA Texas Gatherings
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87333898279?pwd=nAArJLW448Qn8GMgijbF4SYnrYvJkO.1
Contact codatxgatherings@gmail.com
11 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Standard Time
Faith and Hope Group
Zoom ID 83314523019 passcode 406792
Contact: Lizz lizzt8215@gmail.com
11 Am - 12:30 Pacific Standard Time
Thursday CoDA Online
Contact: Casey codacasey112422@gmail.com
2:00 PM – 3:30pm Pacific Standard Time
Google Meet joining info:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/hjm-guew-zsh
Contact Qudsia R riazquds@gmail.com
3:30 – 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time
Google Meet joining info:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/hjm-guew-zsh
Contact Qudsia R riazquds@gmail.com
4 PM - 5:30 PM Pacific Standard Time
Iin This Moment PHONE Meeting
Call in number 717-908-1834
Pin 948718#
Contact Kelly kellyannf2016@gmail.com
4 PM Pacific Standard Time
CoDA Texas Gatherings
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84705524427?pwd=Paf1n2NtIFpDNnogBc6WExWkQObuDW.1
Contact codatxgatherings@gmail.com
4 PM – 5:30 PM Pacific Standard Time
Faith and Hope Group
Zoom ID 83314523019 passcode 406792
Contact: Lizz lizzt8215@gmail.com
6 PM- 7:30 PM Pacific Standard Time
Iin This Moment PHONE Meeting
Call in number 717-908-1834
Pin 948718#
Contact Kelly kellyannf2016@gmail.com
8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Pacific Standard Time
Iin This Moment PHONE Meeting
Call in number 717-908-1834
Pin 948718#
Contact Kelly kellyannf2016@gmail.com
10:00 PM - 11:30 PM Pacific Standard Time
Iin This Moment PHONE Meeting
Call in number 717-908-1834
Pin 948718#
Contact Kelly kellyannf2016@gmail.com
The initial schedule is currently available here
In Service,
Geff R
or simply respond to this email
This mailing list is announce-only.
4 Previously Separate CoDA Email Lists (Announcements, Group Reps, Events and Quarterly Service Report) In Combination as a single list Per Board Chair as of 4/15/24. Announcements emailed on the 4 lists before 4/15/24 can be viewed on those lists individual archives.
Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.