This mailing list is announce-only.
This is a list for CoDA Group Representatives. Through it, CoDA World will occasionally send announcements to meeting representatives. When your service as meeting contact expires, please remind the new contact person to sign up for this list.
To update your meeting's registration, please go to:
or email
Thank you & we look forward to being able to communicate directly with your CoDA meeting!
Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.
April 19th 2024 PST
This list is currently retired. ...Continue Reading
March 11th 2024 PST
To our Group Service Representatives (GSR),Thank you for your service!You may already know that the CoDA Service Conference (CSC) is being held 2024 July 22-27 in Ottawa, Canada. Attendance at CSC 2024 will be both in person and virtually via the internet.Once again, a Voting Entity (VE) or Intergroup will be able to submit a Voting Entity Motion (VEM) in the same manner as the CoDA Board, CoRe Board, and CoDA’s Standing Committees. Is there anything your VE or Intergroup ...Continue Reading
December 1st 2023 PST
Dear Meeting Contacts,Thank you to all the meetings who sponsored Thanksgiving CoDAthon meetings. I believe we had 24 hour coverage, & it is much appreciated! Today, I'm writing to ask if any meetings would be up for any time slot(s) during the 48 hours of Christmas and/or the 48 hours of New Year's. We especially have a need at this time for New Year's day after 1 PM Pacific on New Year's Day, after 8 PM Pacific on New Year's Eve, & late night/middle of the night meetings on all 4 days; though we will grat ...Continue Reading
November 2nd 2023 PST
Dear Meeting Contacts,First, thank you for opening this email!For those who are not aware, a "CoDAthon" is a series of non-stop 24 and 48 hour meetings during the holidays, especially geared towards the Co-Dependent who still suffers. It's especially helpful for those without family or those who would benefit from additional support during the holiday season. The idea originated decades ago in at least one other 12 step group. 3 of the CoDA alt meetings started doing similar fairly early this century. The last ...Continue Reading
June 27th 2023 PST
All is available here: check back frequently as there _definitely will be updates_.You have the choice of downloading everything individually, or we have 4 zip files for easier downloading:Complete Delegate PacketZip File MotionsZip File Everything Else (Not Motions)Zip File All Power Point PresentationsPlease address questions to Thank you very much to our CoDA trusted servants who signed up for this email list!Our hope is that Group Reps will share t ...Continue Reading
May 24th 2023 PST
All, this is just a gentle reminder that all on time revisions to previously submitted motions are due May 25th, by 11:59 pm PDT.Please send to In Service,cscprep@codependents.orgThank you very much to our CoDA trusted servants who signed up for this email list!Our hope is that Group Reps will share these messages with their home meetings, and that intergroup members will share them with each other as well as their meetings. ...Continue Reading
May 15th 2023 PST
Greetings!The Motions for our CoDA Service Conference (CSC) 2023 are out and available to download!You can download them in one Zip file here: link will be good for all motions, including any revisions, through the conference. Many are also available on the website. Any remaining motions will be posted soon and if you prefer to download them one at a time, you may do so here: check back to these links frequently, as there will ...Continue Reading
April 25th 2023 PST
Dear Group Service Representatives, If your voting entity or intergroup wishes to submit a motion for the 2023 CoDA Service Conference (CSC), this is a friendly reminder that all 2023 CSC Motions (and by law changes) are due May 10th. The motion forms are here: email all completed Motion forms to submitcsc@coda.orgMotions that are received after May 10th, may or may not be addressed this year. In Service,CSC Prep &nb ...Continue Reading
April 11th 2023 PST
According to our records, you may have been a past delegate to the CoDA Service Conference (CSC). We would like to invite you to attend the delegate Relations Task Force. If you are not already on the Delegate Relations Task force, & would like to be or would like information,_ please email & you will be added to the email list. _My error, there was supposed to be more in this email: At the CoDA Service Conference, CSC, in August of 2022, a motion was passed to create a new task force, “Delega ...Continue Reading
April 11th 2023 PST
According to our records, you may have been a past delegate to the CoDA Service Conference (CSC). We would like to invite you to attend the delegate Relations Task Force. If you are not already on the Delegate Relations Task force, & would like to be or would like information,_ please email & you will be added to the email list. _ Thank you very much to our CoDA trusted servants who signed up for this email list!Our hope is that Group Reps will share these messages with their home meetings, an ...Continue Reading
March 6th 2023 PST
To our Group Service Representatives (GSR),Thank you for your service! The CoDA Service Conference (CSC) is fast approaching to be held July 24 – July 27 in Houston, Texas. Attendance at CSC 2023 will be both in person and virtually via the internet.Once again, a Voting Entity (VE) or Intergroup will be able to submit a Voting Entity Motion (VEM) in the same manner as the Board, CoRe Board, and CoDA’s Standing Committees. Is there anything your VE or Intergroup would like to see changed? Now’s your chance!Please co ...Continue Reading
February 20th 2023 PST
The 2023 CoDA Service Conference & International CoDA Convention are earlier than last year (late July 2023) so we wanted to give you a head's up. A Save-the-Date flyer is part of this email. Registration information will come out in the next few days. Stay tuned! Thank you very much to our CoDA trusted servants who signed up for this email list!Our hope is that Group Reps will share these messages with their home meetings, and ...Continue Reading
January 16th 2023 PST
/Please consider doing service as a Board of Trustee for: CoDA ~ Codependents Anonymous Incorporated CoRe ~ CoDA Resource Publishing Incorporated/Please consider doing service with the CoDA Board of Trustees. Here are the requirements: Working knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Co-Dependents Anonymous. Skills and experience necessary for the Board of Trustees to fulfill its legal and fiscal responsibilities to the Corporation. Desire to carr ...Continue Reading
October 28th 2022 PST
Dear Group Service Reps,First, thank you for opening this email!For those who are not aware, a "CoDAthon" is a non-stop series of meetings during the holidays, especially geared towards the Co-dependent who still suffers. It's especially helpful for those without family or those who would benefit from additional support during the holiday season. The idea originated decades ago in at least one other 12 step group. The CoDA alt meetings started doing similar fairly early this century. The last several years, th ...Continue Reading
August 16th 2022 PST
The delegate packet is out.Zip Files here:Complete: A Motion: you can download single files 1 at a time here:'d also like to remind you that it is CoDA's hope that the Delegates will gather a group conscience from the meetings they represent & vote accordingly.&n ...Continue Reading
July 31st 2022 PST
Though we expect a few more updates, the delegate packet is out.The latest version will always be the Zip Files here:Complete: A Motion: you can download single files 1 at a time here:'d also like to remind you that it is CoDA's hope that the Delegates will gather a group conscience from the meetings they represent ...Continue Reading
June 22nd 2022 PST
CoDA is looking for Intergroup communities to host the 2024, and beyond, CoDA Service Conference (CSC) and International CoDA Convention (ICC). The CSC is CoDA World’s annual business meeting. The CSC is held each year in order to transact CoDA World business through the group conscience process. The ICC is a weekend of speakers and workshop the weekend following CSC. The CSC runs Monday – Thursday and ICC runs Friday – Sunday.The Host Community works with the CoDA Events Committee to put on both events. Typically the H ...Continue Reading
June 11th 2022 PST
Hi to our Trusted Servants!First, we wanted to let you know that all of the on time CoDA Service Conference (CSC) motions are out.You can download them in 1 Zip file here: . This link will be good with any & all motions updates through conference.Many are also already available on the website; the rest will be up soon if you prefer to download 1 at a time: World Service would greatly appreciate it if you would be wil ...Continue Reading
June 6th 2022 PST
_Final Reminder, all CoDA Service Conference Motions Are Due Wednesday, June 8th, by 11:59 PM PDT_You can get blank motion forms here: email to submitcsc@coda.orgIt's also time to be choosing your delegates. Each Voting Entity (VE) gets up to 2 delegates.Delegates can register here: . There may be a 2nd page for delegates to also register, a ...Continue Reading
June 4th 2022 PST
Hello Group Service Representatives,For the first time, the committee that brings you Weekly Reading and Meeting in Print is reaching out specifically to the GSR email list because we need stories from CoDA old-timers and trusted servants, like you.We are seeking submissions that balance the pain and desperation felt before taking Step 1 with the experience, strength and hope of recovery. It’s important that stories are authentic, honest and stay in alignment with the Twelve Traditions of Co-Dependents Anonymous.For aut ...Continue Reading
May 28th 2022 PST
To our Group Service Reps.If you haven't heard, this year Voting Entities (VE's) will be able to submit motions to the CoDA Service conference (CSC) just like a World Service Committee. Is there anything your intergroup, State Organization, Province, or country would like to see changed? Now's your chance!VE Motions must be submitted by a CSC delegate, Intergroup. State or Country CoDA Organization.To learn if you likely have a registered Voting Entity in your area, please go to the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) ...Continue Reading
May 14th 2022 PST
To our Group Service Reps.If you haven't heard, this year Voting Entities (VE's) will be able to submit motions to the CoDA Service conference (CSC) just like a World Service Committee. Is there anything your intergroup, State Organization, Province, or country would like to see changed? Now's your chance!VE Motions must be submitted by a CSC delegate, Intergroup. State or Country CoDA Organization.Motions are due on June 8th by 11:59 PM PDT. You can get blank motion forms here: ...Continue Reading
April 21st 2022 PST
Greetings to CoDA Group Service reps!CoDA now has an official YouTube Channel! currently have 72 videos on the channel. At this time, we have largely run out of new source material to post.That's why we're writing today: Has your CoDA intergroup created any Audio or Video (that doesn't show any faces other than professional actors) that would be appropriate for the CoDA YouTube Channel that your intergroup has GC'd to be used by CoDA World Service? Perh ...Continue Reading
April 10th 2022 PST
CoDA is looking for Intergroup communities to host the 2024, and beyond, CoDA Service Conference (CSC) and International CoDA Convention (ICC). The CSC is CoDA World’s annual business meeting. The CSC is held each year in order to transact CoDA World business through the group conscience process. The ICC is a weekend of speakers and workshop the weekend following CSC. The CSC runs Monday – Thursday and ICC runs Friday – Sunday.The Host Community works with the CoDA Events Committee to put on both events. Typically the H ...Continue Reading
April 8th 2022 PST
/Please consider doing service as a Board of Trustee for: CoDA ~ Codependents Anonymous Incorporated CoRe ~ CoDA Resource Publishing Incorporated/CoDA members - Please consider doing service with the CoDA Board of Trustees. The Board has many things they would like to accomplish. However, achieving those goals is limited by the small number of Trustees at present. The CoDA Board needs people who have a few hours a week (aro ...Continue Reading