CoDA 2023 Service Conference (CSC)

From: "CoDA Group Representative List" <>
Date: March 6th 2023

To our Group Service Representatives (GSR),

Thank you for your service!


The CoDA Service Conference (CSC) is fast approaching to be held July 24 – July 27 in Houston, Texas. Attendance at CSC 2023 will be both in person and virtually via the internet.

Once again, a Voting Entity (VE) or Intergroup will be able to submit a Voting Entity Motion (VEM) in the same manner as the Board, CoRe Board, and CoDA’s Standing Committees. Is there anything your VE or Intergroup would like to see changed? Now’s your chance!

Please contact the Voting Entity Liaison (VEL) at if you have questions about whether or not your VE or Intergroup has been recognized by the Issues Mediation Committee (IMC) for participation at CoDA conferences.

Note that VE Motions are due at the same time that all other motions are due, which is 75 days prior to the start of conference. For CSC 2023, this date is May 10, 2023, by 11:59PM PDT.

You can get a blank motion form here:

Please send to:

It's also time for your VE or Intergroup to be electing no more than two Delegates and Alternate Delegates. Please feel free to share with your VE or Intergroup that Delegates and Alternate Delegates may register here: CSC 2023 CoDA Service Conference Eventbrite Registration. Also, any CoDA member may observe the conference either in person or virtually via the internet. Please consider registering as an observer at the same link provided above. Once a member has registered as a Delegate, Alternate Delegate, or Observer, an email will be sent with further instructions relative to your service role at CSC 2023.

Questions? Please write

In Service


From our Fellowship Service Manual (FSM)

 FSM Part 1 - Structure and General Information:  Section 02: The CoDA Service Structure and Organization

The Intergroup/CSG is made up of Group Service Representatives (GSRs) from area meetings and CoDA members from the local Fellowship. A strong CoDA Intergroup/Community Service Group contributes to the success of CoDA in general. A sense of community at the local level leads to success in attracting and sustaining the involvement of members of the fellowship in service work and in community building activities. The Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Service Concepts of CoDA offer guidance in establishing service boards. Intergroups/CSGs typically elect officers and committee chairs. This is an optional level and typically exists where sufficient meetings or distance require an interim level between meetings and the Voting Entity.

A Voting Entity (VE) is a level of Fellowship within CoDA that handles the business aspects for a group typically made up of two or more Intergroups/CSGs and/or Meetings. An Intergroup/CSG may serve as a Voting Entity if decided by group conscience, when it is the only Intergroup/CSG within a VE. The Voting Entity organization provides a bridge between Intergroups/CSGs, and CoDA World. 

FSM Part 4: Service Conference Procedures:  Section 02: Guidelines for Board, Committee and Voting Entity (VE) Reports, Issues and Motions Presented at CoDA Service Conference (CSC), the guidelines for submitting a VEM is as follows:

a. Local Voting Entity discusses an issue and writes a Motion to resolve the issue by using the group conscience process.

b. Voting Entity drafts the VEM, as a Motion by completing the Motion Form

c. The VEM may not dishonor or be in conflict with any Bylaws, Steps, Traditions, or legal considerations.

d. The VE or Intergroup may request assistance from the Board or a CoDA Standing Committee in drafting and presenting the motion. The Board or a CoDA Standing Committee may also offer assistance or provide guidance to the VE in drafting and presenting the motion.

From CoDA ByLaws: CoDA Bylaws

Section 2. Voting Entities (Entities) Each state, province, territory of all Countries and those Countries who had created national Voting Entities as of the date, September 10, 2019, of this motion are established as a Voting Entity (VE) until such time as the regions or provinces have become well established and no longer need assistance from the recognized National Voting Entity. A single Voting Entity is established to represent all “Alternative Format Meetings” (AFM) and is entitled to send two (2) Delegates. AFM is defined as all meetings that do not physically meet face-to-face in a physical location.

Any Voting Entity may surrender its two (2) Delegates and request to subdivide. The governing principle is that a member of the Fellowship will only be represented d by one Delegates. An entity may request subset of two (2) divisions for reasons of geographical separation, language, or other recognizable characteristics. Each entity may request that it be split along an internally agreed upon division and each sub-Delegates. Each subdivision of the entity granted two (2) division should have enough members and meetings to support a viable service group so that all meetings are still represented.



Thank you very much to our CoDA trusted servants who signed up for this email list!

Our hope is that Group Reps will share these messages with their home meetings, and that intergroup members will share them with each other as well as their meetings.

  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

This is a list for CoDA Group Representatives. Through it, CoDA World will occasionally send announcements to meeting representatives. When your service as meeting contact expires, please remind the new contact person to sign up for this list.

To update your meeting's registration, please go to:

or email

Thank you & we look forward to being able to communicate directly with your CoDA meeting!

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Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.