Hi Everyone,
All motions are due 75 days before the CoDA Service Conference (CSC), due to the passing of Motion 21009 "Voting Entity Issues Motion Submissions Procedure Change”. (see insert below).
This includes Boards, Committees, and Voting Entity (VE) Motions.
Motions submitted by Voting Entities (VE) will now be referred to as “VE Motions”, and VE’s will bring their motions directly to CSC exactly as the Boards and World Committees currently do.
This year's deadline is June 8, 2022.
Note: CoDA Inc. Board is aware there is confusion in the current Fellowship Service Manual (FSM), that will need to be addressed via Motion by the Board at 2022 CSC.
You can download the new form at https://codependents.org/Motion_Form_2022.docx
Please email all motions to submitcsc@coda.org within 75 days of start of the conference.
Revisions due 60 days prior to CSC.
If a VE would like help with their motion please send an email to Board@CoDA.org
Actual Motion For this Change Below:
Motion Date:
Meeting Type:
Board Number:
Item Type:
Motion Key:
Member Names:
Gail S
Voting Entity Issues Motion Submissions Procedure Change
Amends Motion Numbers:
None Vote:
2/3 Vote
Motion/Issue: Move that Voting Entities be granted the right to bring motions directly to CSC precisely as the CoDA Board of Trustees and World Standing Committees currently do. This motion affects wording in the Part 4 Section 2 of the Fellowship Service Manual; in particular, the Definition of VEI, the Procedures for Submitting CSC Items, and the Guidelines for Presenting VEIs. See Pages 9-11 of the FSM as attached below. Proposed changes as follows to: Fellowship Service Manual, Part 4, Section 02 (Pages 9-11) Guidelines for Board, Committee and Voting Entity (VE) Reports, Issues and Motions Presented at CoDA Service Conference (CSC)
Thank you very much to our CoDA trusted servants who signed up for this email list!
Our hope is that Group Reps will share these messages with their home meetings, and that intergroup members will share them with each other as well as their meetings.
This mailing list is announce-only.
This is a list for CoDA Group Representatives. Through it, CoDA World will occasionally send announcements to meeting representatives. When your service as meeting contact expires, please remind the new contact person to sign up for this list.
To update your meeting's registration, please go to:
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Thank you & we look forward to being able to communicate directly with your CoDA meeting!
Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.