CoDA Board F2F Workgroup Minutes December 19, 2021

From: "CoDA Announcements" <>
Date: January 14th 2022


CoDA Board of Trustees

F2F (Face-to Face) Workgroup Minutes  
December 19, 2021 

 Day/Time: Sunday  

8-9:15 am Pacific Time 

Board Mission Statement

 Acknowledging that we are all here for our personal recovery, the mission of the CoDA Board of Trustees is to ensure the longevity and fiscal health of the organization, to support the Fellowship’s ongoing service work, to promote CoDA unity and to reach the still suffering codependents. 

Attending: – Barbara, Faith, Florence, Joe, Katherine, Yaniv,  Gail 



MOTION:To approve the December 4, 2021 (Public Meeting) Minutes

NOTE: There was one motion in the Executive Session, this was reflected in the Public Minutes under “Executive Session”.

Moved: Barbara 2nd: Gail Vote: Unanimous 



  • update - updates by Web Liaison:
  • Meeting Search Issues (Time Zone Strategy):  In process
  • F2F/Hybrid meetings: Web Developer (IntersectionOnLine) had a suggestion that will be discussed at their next meeting.
  • Intergroup/VE updates:  Ongoing process, can be deleted from next agenda.
  • Member Resources page: Dropdown in process. Spanish Outreach \(SPO) brought up some issues on that page. 
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance: Another meeting with Web Developer, ongoing in 2022.
    • Site map for website: Will be discussed in the next meeting with Web Developer.

Post CSC action items

  • CSC approved Canada VE literature:   Formatting finished, not yet uploaded to the website.

Legal Liaison: 

  • Copyright agreement for outside publications: awaiting attorney’s reply.
  • Copyright email to attorney: Do we need to update the copyright for the two recent updated works:
    Making Choices and the Newcomer's Handbook, which both have significant revisions.
    Update: Katherine sent another email to our
    attorney, who will get back to us next week.
  • PPGCoDA: Attorney gave them until December 31, 2021 to change their organization. January 1, 2022 this needs to be checked up on. 
  • Request to use CoDA in a Universal Pictures film: NBC Universal Movie request: the possibility of featuring CoDA in an upcoming R-rated theatrical motion picture.  This would include seeing copyrighted materials and logos and references in film dialog.
    Waiting for a followup response from the attorney.



  • CoDA Teen Task Force: Meeting scheduled for January 13, 2022. 9 or 10 members/interested. SPO is working on translating the old materials. UK is working on looking into legal requirements. Alateen goes by the local area requirements to get adult sponsors. Alateen has guidelines and form(s). Guideline on how to vet the adult sponsors, and check with your local area. CoDA teen announcement. Web page is being created. Meeting Search for CoDA Teen, link to
  • New Fellowship Service Worker: 9 candidates were interviewed. Refer to email: forward: Fellowship Service Worker position for H&I, which has a spreadsheet of the results.
    MOTION: to hire Brenda M. Moved: Barbara, second Gail: Vote: Approved. Unanimous.
  • An email will be drafted for quarterly fellowship email for service inquiries, to start after the first of the year.
  • Sponsorship email alias: will go to who has the list from the last CSC of willing sponsors.
  • Orphan aliases: 6 of them have been deleted: Per last meeting discussion: was deleted. We are now using
  • CoDAthon: Geff is coordinating this. He sent an email out to the Fellowship.
    Next year he will send something out in November. Geff will coordinate this year and subsequent years with a system.
    Next month, offer update on the Public meeting agenda, then remove from subsequent meeting agendas.
  • CLC, CoDA Literature Committee’s position regarding formatting when it comes to VE literature: CLC discussed the VE literature process when they met earlier this month. CLC is happy to have the opportunity to serve the Fellowship by developing a clear process, and will let the Board Liaison know when they are ready to share their proposal with the Board.


  • How Many CoDA Meetings?: Web liaison to discuss with Web developer how to find out.
  • QSR Q4 2021 Due 1/15/22: need to approve this meeting’s minutes by email.
  • Interpretation for SPO (Spanish Outreach) at Chairs Forum:  In addition to the potential need for two interpreters, the cost has turned out to be more than we originally expected.
    MOTION: To authorize up to $400 per month for Interpretation for SPO.

Moved: Barbara: Second: Gail Vote: Unanimous

  • EMail: Board Announcement List: Geff’s suggestion: "I think all the Fellowship should be able to sign up to a Board Announcement list, for us to be open and show we have nothing to hide and that we are in service to the Fellowship."

Vote:  No changes.

  • Chase Fraud Alert: Report only (for the record) Chase Fraud Alert on December 9, 2021. The card was canceled and a new one issued.
  • SPO request for Board: SPO requested end of year Fellowship message. Reply will be sent to SPO we haven't been able to put something together before the end of the year. Plan to provide a New Year Board Message for Fellowship in January and share it with SPO.


Next Public Board Meeting – Saturday, January 8th, 2022 (2nd week of month due to New Years Day)

Strategic planning meeting – Sunday, January 9th, 2022
Next Workgroup Meeting – Sunday, January 16, 2022

MOTION to Adjourn: Barbara, Gail: 2nd Vote: Unanimous


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