CoDA Board F2F Workgroup Minutes November 21, 2021

From: "CoDA Announcements" <>
Date: December 4th 2021


CoDA Board of Trustees

F2F (Face-to Face) Workgroup Minutes  
November 21, 2021 

 Day/Time: Sunday  

8-9:15 am Pacific Time 

Board Mission Statement

 Acknowledging that we are all here for our personal recovery, the mission of the CoDA Board of Trustees is to ensure the longevity and fiscal health of the organization, to support the Fellowship’s ongoing service work, to promote CoDA unity and to reach the still suffering codependents. 

Attending: – Barbara, Faith, Florence, Joe, Katherine, Yaniv,  Gail 


Motion – To approve the November 6, 2021 (Public Meeting) Minutes

Moved: Barbara 2nd:  Gail   Vote: Unanimous 

 NOTE: there were no motions in the executive session for this date.



  • update - by Web Liaison:
  • Meeting Search Issues (Time Zone Strategy):  IntersectionOnline anticipate total cost investment down from $1,274 to $985.00 for the changes needed (based on our special non-profit rate $70 (usual rate $85).
    The Board is generally in favor, however will wait for the webmaster's input.
  • F2F/Hybrid meetings: An email will be sent to the Fellowship, with how-to suggestions, also asking for specific Tips and Tricks.
  • Intergroup/VE updates:  We have not been receiving many more updates since the surge in response to our email announcement. This is a work in progress to combine the meeting lists. 
  • Missing Meeting in Print (MiP): empty links have been removed
  • Americans with Disabilities (ADA): We are still waiting for suggestions for two other quotes from IntersectionOnline and need to review the current quote.
  • COVID-19 information for meetings to be put on website: The COVID 19 Safety and Change in Meetings Status Statement will be updated.
  • Site map for website: In progress.


Post CSC action items

  • CSC approved Canada Voting Entity (VE) literature:  Webliaison will finish editing this piece of literature and CoDA Literature Committee will be asked to develop procedure for dealing with VE literature.


  • CoDA Teen Task Force: Board representative had a productive meeting with Spanish Outreach (SPO) following the last Chairs Forum.  Another meeting will be held in December.
  • Fellowship Service Worker proposal: Katherine and Faith to work on an email to the Fellowship with a job description, which will include a list of Hospitals and Institutions’ (H&I) needs.
  • Sponsorship email alias: No one is on this alias. The Board will ask Communications if they will pick up the alias, which would then be forwarded to CoDA email team (part of Communications)  The Communications committee is to come up with the plan of how to handle these emails.
  • Outreach Committee: Proposal to have “World Outreach” on the top tab. Board does not approve: Website already says CoDA World, addition would make the tab longer and creates confusion for Fellowship with World Connections Committee  (WCC).
  • Translation Management Committee (TMC); 3x2 meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 23rd at 3 pm Pacific Time. TMC has an agenda which will be forwarded to the rest of the Board.
  • Orphan aliases: There are 6 of them. Geff (email FSW) is now taking care of the alias updates. He will go through each of the orphan aliases and verify which ones should be deleted, ask Committees, and confirm with the Board before he deletes any aliases. None should be “dead end” aliases.
    Since we no longer need, can be forwarded to


  • Motions to Association Management Company: Secretary will take over this duty. Any Motion post CSC to be emailed to
  • PPGCoDA: The Board decided that,

1: They should NOT be included listed as a  meeting on An email will be sent from
2: Included in the email, anything regarding the Cease and Desist email must be referred back to our attorney.

  • CoDAthon: work with Communications Committee and email FSW to get an email out to Fellowship with a plan.   
  • Copyright agreement for outside publications: The legal section of our P&P manual was reviewed and at the end there are copyright document templates that can be used for simple Copyright infringements, when someone makes money on our literature versus giving permission for educational uses. The Copyright lawyer will be consulted to review the documents. Also the Board will email the lawyer with congratulations on his new position as partner and whether he will personally be continuing with our account.


  • Process for Handling Signed Hard Copies.
  • Potential Announcement requesting, Ideas to Use CoDA Surplus Funds.
  • Fellowship Announcements - Liaison review before email goes out. Some of the emails to our Fellowship of recent do not seem to reflect well thought out topics, which should include any available/relevant links to our websites for additional references.
  • EMail from IMC: VEI Update Needed - Canada Inclusive Language:
    July 11: Nancy sent email to them:
    The CoDA Board met Saturday, July 10, 2021 and reviewed your attached Voting Entity Issue (VEI) as submitted on June 27, 2021 re Gender Inclusive Language.  Following review and discussion, we decided to assign your VEI to the CoDA Board.
    From Shannon O, interim secretary for CoDA Canada Steering Committee:
    Motion or VE Issue Name: Gender Inclusive Language 

Motion/Issue: For CoDA to adopt gender-inclusive language, replacing all heteronormative language that excludes gender identities. This pertains to, though is not limited to: CoRE literature, documents, media and any future publications.

  • Barbara: requested brief discussion on future CSC/ICC locations.-- ( is this an Events committee request?)
  • Earmarked Donations Question: From Joan: this 7th Tradition is "earmarked" for translation services. I know over the years there have been Board decisions about not allowing earmarks except for H&I.  I am only highlighting this contribution in case you needed to know.
  • Step Study Announcement: email announcement from individual, how best to manage this request.

Next Public Board Meeting – December 4, 2021

Strategic planning meeting – December 12, 2021
Next Workgroup Meeting – 
December 19, 2021


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If you wish more information by phone, please call (888) 444-2359 {Toll free} or (602) 277-7991.

For Spanish inquiries you may email or call (888) 444-2379 {Spanish toll free}.

  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

The purpose of this list is to share information with any & all CoDA members, especially that which may effect CoDA as a whole.

We will be sending out regular emails with CoDA events, announcements, issues & CoDA business of interest to both specific regions & to the entire CoDA fellowship.

Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.

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Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.