CoDA Board Minutes for Virtual Face To Face Meeting 6/26/21

From: "CoDA Announcements" <>
Date: July 16th 2021


CoDA Board of Trustees

Virtual F2F Board Meeting Minutes
June 26, 2021


Attending: Nancy O/Canada, Don B/SoCal, Barbara/NorCal, Gail S/Nevada, Yaniv S/Israel, Faith J/Canada, Matt T/Texas, Joe R/Guatemala - (Partial Attendance)


Consent Agenda


Motion 1: Move to approve the TOTAL COST ESTIMATE:  $1,432.50 - $1,561.13 to have the website developer provide a TimeZone Solution for all four meeting types (ie, phone, online, USA F2F and International F2F meetings) on the website. Moved – Don, Second - Nancy, Vote – Yes, Unanimous

Motion 2:  To accept Minutes Public Meeting June 5th, 2021 V2. Moved – Gail, Second – Nancy, Vote – Yes, Unanimous

Motion: To accept the consent agenda.  Moved - Barbara, Second – Gail, Vote – Yes, Unanimous

Old Business


Minutes Virtual F2F Minutes June 12, 2021

  • Motion: To approve the June 12, 2021 Virtual F2F Board Meeting Minutes. Moved – Gail, Second – Barbara, Vote – Yes, Unanimous


Reports Due June 27

  • Board Annual Report
    • Motion: To accept the revised Combined Board 2021 Annual Report. Moved – Don, Second – Gail, Vote – Yes, Unanimous
  • Board Goals and Objectives
    • Motion:  To accept Version 6 of the Goals and Objectives. Moved – Barbara, Second – Gail, Vote – Yes, Unanimous
  • Yearly Motions and Supporting Letter
    • Motion: To approve the Yearly Motions and Supporting document.  Moved – Nancy, Second – Gail, Vote – Yes, Unanimous
  • Board Budget – The Board reviewed the Finance Committee combined CoDA Budget that they are submitting this year in lieu of individual Committee and Board Budgets.
    • Motion: The Board to advise the Finance Committee to add $10,000 to Item 7304 Website Developer of the 2022 Budget to upgrade the Motions Database, and to remove the webmaster in the description. Moved – Barbara, Second – Faith, Vote – Yes, Unanimous
    • Action Item: Barbara to advise Finance Committee to make this change.
  • Board Presentation – To be tabled for our next Board meeting.


New Business


Voting Entity Issues

  • Texas and Literature Late Motion – This motion asks that the 2020 Texas Motion be tabled until 2022.  The Board agreed that this is a Late Motion and does not meet the Virtual CSC Rules indicating that there will be no Late Motions allowed this year.
    • Action Item:  Nancy to advise Texas and Literature that the late motion not allowed but advise that they can bring this motion forward on their own next year or in collaboration with Literature and that a motion is not required.  
    • Action Item Post CSC: For the future, the Board needs to consider working with Events to allow late motions at any future Virtual CSCs.
  • Arizona – Inclusion of Meeting Health Guidelines
  • The Board agreed that this did not belong in the FSM and that the Board could suggest a quicker and easier method to provide meetings with the information they need to address this issue.
  • Action Item: Nancy to draft email to Arizona assigning this Voting Entity Issue to the Board for review.
  • SoCal – Healing CoDA Prayer
  • The Board agreed that this would fit under the category of Voting Entity Literature rather than Voting Entity Issue. Voting Entity Literature must meet the 75-day submission deadline, so this is a Late Motion.  However, the Board notes that the Voting Entity may prefer that this be presented as a Voting Entity Issue to be assigned to Literature and will suggest they choose which method they prefer.
  • Action Item: Nancy to draft email for Board review giving SoCal the option to choose between the two methods.


Voting Entity Literature – Canada – Discussed the request made from Darlene of IMC about the CoDA Canada Voting Entity Issue regarding their Service Concepts new piece of literature.  It was agreed this was not a Voting Entity Issue (VEI), but instead it was Voting Entity Literature (VE Lit).  Therefore, the Board did not assign this motion to Literature last year as a VEI.

  • Action Item: Gail will clarify with Darlene of IMC that this is not a VEI but instead it is a VE Lit Motion and they do not need to track this one. 
  • Action Item Post CSC – We need a process for Voting Entities to clarify what is VE Literature rather than a Voting Entity Issue.  This could be assigned to IMC to create a possible motion for CSC 2022.
  • Action Item Post CSC: Need to clarify that Board Liaisons are there for the committees to be good and healthy and their participation in meetings should be encouraged.  Board Liaison could be there during generic part of the meeting and could be excused when and if there is a Board issue being discussed that creates a conflict of interest.


Outreach Flyer – Nancy asked if it was okay for the Outreach Committee to post a Flyer to the Delegate Pkg. There was general agreement that this was a wonderful idea and that it should be encouraged, as well, Committees can submit a Presentation for the Delegate Package.

  • Action Item:  Nancy to send an email to the Committee Chairs encouraging them to submit their own Flyer and advising that they can also submit a Presentation for the Delegate Package.



  • DRAFT CSC Agenda – The Board reviewed the Draft CSC Agenda from Events and provided feedback to Barbara – Events Liaison, to bring back to the Events Committee.
  • Timing of CSC – 11:00 am Eastern – 4:00 pm Eastern – No concerns noted.
  • Zoom Webinar Costs – Barbara advised that Events would like to have their Zoom account upgraded to a Webinar at a cost of $990+tax a month for the Ken and Mary Event on July 17, 2021 as they expect over 1000 participants.  She clarified that the $3000+ in donations from the previous non-CSC/ICC event should have gone into the Events Committee separate bank account to pay for such expenses.
    • Motion: Board to authorize paying for up to 3 Zoom Webinars at a cost of $990 + tax (each time) for special non-CSC/ICC events, since the $3000 in donations from the last event should have been deposited into the Events Committee separate bank account.  After that is used up, they would have to forward CoDA Inc. $990+tax for each such event where Webinar was set up in order to reimburse CoDA Inc. for the Zoom expense.  Move – Barbara, Second – Nancy, Vote – Yes, Unanimous
    • Action Item: Nancy to request MCS to upgrade the Events Committee Zoom account to Webinar for July 2021.

Communications Budget Request $10,000 for new PSA and $1,000 for Editing Software

  • Action Item: Nancy to send response drafted by Barbara to Communications Chair with copy to Finance advising that we are going with a comprehensive Public Information plan.


Email from Martian29 – Interdependence Day – To be discussed by Email




Next Virtual F2F or WorkGroup Meeting – July 10, 2021 at 7:00 am Pacific

The preceding message was from The CoDA Board Of Trustees,


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