CoDA Board Minutes for Conference Call 6/5/21

From: "CoDA Announcements" <>
Date: June 22nd 2021


Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.

 Board of Trustees Minutes
June 5, 2021


The Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Saturday, June 5th, 2021 by videoconference.  Members in attendance included: Nancy O./Canada, Gail S./Nevada, Barbara D/NorCal, Faith J./Canada, Joe R/Guatemala, Yaniv S/Israel, Don B./SoCal, Matt T/Texas


Treasurer’s report/Financials

JP Morgan Chase Checking$ 172,590.85
JP Morgan Chase Savings$ 220,378.51
National Bank of Arizona$ 100,670.03
Total Assets$ 493,639.39


Motion: To accept the consent agenda. Moved – Gail, Second – Don, Vote – Yes - Unanimous




Motion – To approve the May 28, 2021 Virtual F2F Board Meeting Minutes.

Moved – Gail, Second – Nancy, Vote – Yes - Unanimous



  • Time Zone Strategy – A proposal from the website developer for a Time Zone Solution for just phone and online meetings was discussed.  Action: Nancy to ask for the cost of including both the USA and International F2F and to find out what the impact would be if we implement just the phone/online meetings solution now and wait until later to implement the F2F meetings.
  • Printing Solution – Action:  Nancy will ask for an updated version of the print solution offered by the website developers. Barbara to send a copy to the Board of sample of what she suggests the printout include, which is similar to what is available on her intergroup website.
  • Spanish Website – Update re Donation Button – Barbara advised she is meeting with Connie on Monday to get the new PayPal account set up.  Matt has yet to provide SPO with the contact info of the Spanish translators whose current contracts are still valid.   Matt also needs to advise SPO of decisions made by the Board over the past two meetings. We need to wait until all documents are downloaded from the Spanish Mura site by SPO before closing down Hostek account. Action: Matt – to advise SPO of recent decisions, and to provide them with translator contact info. 
  • Apple and Android CoDA App Action: Nancy to ask our Association Management Company (AMC) to check with AA to see who created their Meeting App.  Faith noted she would like the App to also link to the website.


Motions Database - Decision – To wait until after CSC to proceed with updating the Motions Database.  Connie will contact tech company to work out a later date to start work and to make changes in the agreement/proposal.



Financial Data for Annual Report – Discussion – Agreed to submit our Annual Report on time by June 27, 2021 but to add a comment that the report will be updated at a later time once the 2nd quarter financial data is available. Action:  Barbara to advise Finance and CoRE that this is what the Board is doing.

Board Strategic Plan – Discussion – Action: Nancy to ask our AMC if they have the skill set to facilitate a strategic planning session to be held after the CoDA Service Conference (CSC) with the new Board and possibly the Chairs.

Next Virtual Face to Face/Workgroup Meeting – June 12 and possibly June 19, 2021 at 7 am Pacific.



  • Reviewed revisions to Section 3.5 P&P - Board Liaisons To Contractors Job Descriptions and Duties
    1. Motion – To accept revisions to Section 3.5 P&P. Moved – Barbara, Second – Gail, Vote – Yes - Unanimous


Next Public Board Meeting – No Public Board Meeting the month of CSC.


The preceding message was from The CoDA Board Of Trustees,


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