Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.
Board of Trustees Minutes
May 8, 2021
Attending: Nancy O/Canada, Don B/SoCal, Barbara/NorCal, Gail S/Nevada, Matt T/Texas, Yaniv S/Israel, Faith J/Canada, Joe R/Guatemala
Old Business
Board Motions for CSC 2021 - The Board voted unanimously to submit 5 Motions to the 2021 CoDA Service Conference. Nancy will send those to on behalf of the Board within the next few days.
Board of Trustee Application and Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) – Nancy advised that the current CoDA Board of Trustee Application in the Fellowship Service Manual (Part 4, Section 5) does not reflect the changes made to the CoDA Board of Trustee Position Requirements that was approved in 2020 (Motion 200024). The Board made the required changes to the application which is an administrative change that does not require a motion. It was also noted that SSC had forwarded an administrative change to the FSM to the Board related to changing the CoRe address in the FSM. The Board would like to have both the CoRe address change and the CoDA Board of Trustee Application changes made to the FSM at the same time and forwarded for approval prior to conference.
Action: The SSC Liaison (Gail) will forward the new application to SSC asking them to make this administrative change. She is also to clarify where the CoRe address changes are located in the FSM (Part, Section and Page numbers) for Board review.
Motions Database – The Board has discussed improving the Motions Database for the past couple years. The improvement would allow charts, PDFs, Powerpoint, spreadsheets or other types of attachments to be uploaded to the Motions Database. A new quote for this upgrade from the current Motions Database provider J Street Tech was obtained, and the following motion was approved with 2/3rd majority
New QR Code For Website – Following our Board Meeting discussion of May 1, 2021 on this topic, it agreed that the Committee Liaison, Don would advise Communications that adding this to the style guide of the FSM would require a Motion and suggest that they may want to consider bringing that forth.
New Business
Upcoming Event – Barbara advised that Events have organized a Ken & Mary workshop for July 17, 2021 for which they are looking for someone to provide Spanish interpretation. Action: Barbara is to send Matt, Spanish Outreach (SPO) Committee Liaison, an email identifying what Events are looking for. Matt will reach out to SPO to see if they are interested in assisting or if they know of someone who may be interested in providing Spanish interpretation.
CoNNections Committee – There was general discussion regarding the membership of the CoNNections Committee given two recent resignations. The Board is hopeful that recent efforts to encourage new members will revive the membership in the upcoming months.
Communications Committee Request – The Board discussed a request from the Communications Committee asking if we had concerns with posting their AVM Subcommittee workshops on the Board YouTube. The Board clarified that YouTube videos would be considered Social Media as defined by the Anonymity and Social Media Guidelines (approved 2015 CSC). Action: Don as Communications Liaison will advise Communications that YouTube is considered Social Media and that they may need to consider a motion to change the Anonymity and Social Media Guidelines to move forward with their AVM plans.
Tradition 7 Accuracy (Website and Literature) – The Board confirmed that there is an error on the website and that Tradition 7 should read “Every CoDA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions” rather than “A CoDA group….”. It was also noted that some of CoDA’s published Literature may also be affected. Action: Nancy as Web Liaison will see that corrections are made to the website. Faith will draft an email for Board review that can be sent to Literature and CoRe Inc. and that can be sent as an Email Announcement to the Fellowship. We also want to ensure that we thank the Fellowship member responsible for bringing this error to the attention of the Board.
Board 2021 Annual Report, Presentation and Financial Report – Nancy is to prepare a draft 2021 Annual Board Report for Board review. If there is sufficient time before due dates, the Board will work on a PowerPoint presentation to upload to the 2021 Delegate Package. Barbara will work with Finance to prepare the Financial Report and Budget.
Board Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM) – There was agreement that changes to the PPM will be worked on by email over the next month with a Workgroup session to finalize the changes on June 19, 2021. Action: Nancy will work on the Web Liaison Responsibilities and Changing of the Guard, Gail will work on the Legal Liaison Responsibilities, and Don will work on a piece to add to the app regarding Community Problem Solving
Upcoming Board Meeting – June 5,2021 at 8:00 am Pacific; Workgroups – June 19, 2021 at 7:00 am Pacific
The preceding message was from The CoDA Board Of Trustees,
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The purpose of this list is to share information with any & all CoDA members, especially that which may effect CoDA as a whole.
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Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.
Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.