Building Bridges
Guilt and regret can be corrective emotions when they are balanced, rooted in self-love and we are able to stay out of rumination, self-criticism, and judgment. We all make mistakes, we are human.
When I have the awareness that I have made a decision that wasn’t in my best interest. I do my best to acknowledge it, reflect on it, make amends if possible and move on, with the intention I won’t repeat the mistake again.
Promise 4 from Codependent’s Anonymous states:
I release myself from worry, guilt, and regret about my past and present. I am aware enough not to repeat it.
Just for today, I am practicing releasing myself from worry, guilt, and regret. I ask my Higher Power to assist me in continuing to live with awareness and balance in my life. I will focus on progress over perfection. As I dismantle the unhealthy walls I have created; brick by brick, I will build bridges to joyful, loving, new and healthy destinations. I AM truly blessed and grateful.
Stephanie F ~ 7/28/22
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