On my CoDA recovery journey I have learned new tools that I have been able to call upon when needed. One of those tools is writing a daily affirmation, which I share with an affirmation buddy. In this daily affirmation, I am aware of my internal responses to external circumstances and learn how to focus my attention on what I can control versus what I can't. This has given me a greater sense of serenity and peace on a day-by-day, step-by-step basis.
I'd like to share my affirmation for today:
This morning, I am aware of the traumas that I have experienced in my life. Incidents that were unexpected, sudden and shocking. At the time, I would have been angry, shamed, and helpless, floundering in the turbulence of not knowing the cause or reason. Even knowing the cause or reason would probably fuel the notion of my victimhood. This morning, I can be sensitive to these memories and though they still live on, I can be confident that they don't control or define me. I ground myself with tendrils into the earth and wrap myself with higher power's love and recall all the miracles that I have also experienced.
David NG – 11/22
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