Hospitals and Institutions
The H&I committee is developing a database of contact information of State Voting Entities, Intergroups, local H&I committees, and individuals interested in bringing the CoDA message to codependents in facilities within the United States.
We would appreciate receiving contact information from anyone working in H&I service in any capacity or know of any facility wanting our service. This list will improve communication between this committee and CoDA members, local groups and VEs, and allows for more immediate responses to requests for information and requests for meetings and literature in institutions and facilities.
With your consent, Please send your contact information (name, email, phone, city, and state), to hosp@PROTECTED
This mailing list is announce-only.
This list is for CoDA members who are H & I (Hospital and Institutions) contacts for their region or group. The purpose to send information regarding H & I service opportunities and resources from the H & I Committee and then for the contacts to share that information with their Intergroup or local meetings. Individual members may also be part of the list in order find out more about H & I service.
We appreciate your participation.
The Hospitals and Institutions Committee, Codependents Anonymous, Inc.
Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.