If you are are having difficulty with filling out the previous email, please download this short word document,
http://www.codependents.org/handi2.docx, fill it out, & email it to inmatesponsorship@PROTECTED
Jim B., H&I Sponsorship Coordinator
This mailing list is announce-only.
This list is for CoDA members who are H & I (Hospital and Institutions) contacts for their region or group. The purpose to send information regarding H & I service opportunities and resources from the H & I Committee and then for the contacts to share that information with their Intergroup or local meetings. Individual members may also be part of the list in order find out more about H & I service.
We appreciate your participation.
The Hospitals and Institutions Committee, Codependents Anonymous, Inc.
Per the 11th & 12th Traditions this list is private & anonymous.