Available Mailing Lists

CoDA Announcements


The purpose of this list is to share information with any & all CoDA members, especially that which may effect CoDA as a whole.

We will be sending out regular emails with CoDA events, announcements, issues & CoDA business of interest to both specific regions & to the entire CoDA fellowship.

Per the 2nd tradition, For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, a loving higher power as expressed to our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Developing a group conscience requires an informed fellowship, & to be effective trusted servants those you've elected must know the group conscience of the fellowship.

This list is currently retired.

April 19th 2024

This list is currently retired. ...Continue Reading

CoDA Events


CoDA Events would like your support in joining this email list that will be used to send announcements, surveys, and other Events supported business to the CoDA fellowship.

This list is currently retired.

April 19th 2024

This list is currently retired. ...Continue Reading

CoDA Fellowship Forum Reminder


Send Reminders about CoDA's Monthly Fellowship Forum

CoDA Forum Sat. 11/30 Noon Pacific: Zoom Meetings Possibilities

November 22nd 2024

     *The Communications Committee of Co-Dependents Anonymous invites you to a monthly online Fellowship Forum** * *Saturday,  November 30th, 2024 at Noon, Pacific Daylight Time* Topic: - CoDA Service Conference Recap Focusing On Literature Motion 24063Hosts: David A. and James K.  Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99712210733*Meeting ID: 997 1221 0733*One tap mobile+16465588656,,99712210733# US (New York)+13126266799,,99712210733# US (Chicago) Dial by your location&nb ...Continue Reading

CoDA Group Representative List


This is a list for CoDA Group Representatives. Through it, CoDA World will occasionally send announcements to meeting representatives. When your service as meeting contact expires, please remind the new contact person to sign up for this list.

To update your meeting's registration, please go to:


or email meeting@coda.org

Thank you & we look forward to being able to communicate directly with your CoDA meeting!

This list is currently retired.

April 19th 2024

This list is currently retired. ...Continue Reading

CoDA Hospital & Institution Information Contact List:


This list is for CoDA members who are H & I (Hospital and Institutions) contacts for their region or group. The purpose to send information regarding H & I service opportunities and resources from the H & I Committee and then for the contacts to share that information with their Intergroup or local meetings. Individual members may also be part of the list in order find out more about H & I service.

We appreciate your participation.


The Hospitals and Institutions Committee, Codependents Anonymous, Inc.

CoDA Hospitals & Institutions Committee Need for Sponsors

November 26th 2024

H&I Committee  Need for Sponsors  Our committee is experiencing an unprecedented need for sponsors for inmates in prisons and jails across the country,  One in fourteen children in the US will have a parent in prison at some point during their childhood. These children, and their caregivers, are often angry, confused and hurt.  When an incarcerated person works the program. They have a better understanding of relationships which can potentially Increase Resilience in their Children.  Our current ...Continue Reading

CoDA Master List


4 Previously Separate CoDA Email Lists (Announcements, Group Reps, Events and Quarterly Service Report) In Combination as a single list Per Board Chair as of 4/15/24. Announcements emailed on the 4 lists before 4/15/24 can be viewed on those lists individual archives.

The CoDA, Inc. App is now available

January 11th 2025

The Board members are very excited to announce that...the CoDA, Inc. App is now availablefor free download at either theApple Store for iOS devices:https://apps.apple.com/in/app/coda-inc/id6739781801orGoogle Play Store for Android devices:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.coda.appThis is Phase One of our mobile application project, and we hope that you all find it user-friendly. Please email app@coda.org if you have any issues working within or downloading the app. We want to make sure that this first ph ...Continue Reading

CoDA Quarterly Service Report


This list is for distribution of CoDA's Quarterly Service Report. Please note that for this list only, we send file attachments ranging in size from 40k to 350k.

This list is currently retired.

April 19th 2024

This list is currently retired. ...Continue Reading

CoDA Weekly Reading


Each week, subscribers will automatically receive an email with a new "recovery reading". Hopefully, viewing this member created work will provide subscribers with thoughts to reflect upon during the remainder of the week.

CoDA Weekly Reading 02/04/25

February 4th 2025

Recovery Saved My Life Last Halloween afternoon, I had a heart attack at work. I was unsure about calling the paramedics because my codependency told me to tough it out in silence and to not "make a big deal" about it. I had been in CoDA for nearly nine years and in that moment I applied a little bit of recovery and asked myself what I would tell a friend. That is when I decided to reach out. A couple months earlier, the entire staff had taken a first-aid class together, and in telling my coworker about what I ...Continue Reading
